
Jul 3, 2018

Are you a slave?

July fourth!

Independence Day!


We shoot works of fire into the air to remember our independence from England. We were second class. We had taxes but no representation. We still pay taxes but we have at least the right to vote for those that make decisions in DC, in our state govt, and local.

We feel like we are free. Many men and women have fought for us to be free. But I want to make an argument that if we are not careful we can find ourselves slaves.

There is a story in Luke's Gospel entitled, "The rich young ruler" (See Luke 18 for the full story). In the story a rich man approaches Jesusk with a question.

"What must I do to inherit eternal life?"

That's a great question! If you believe in "god" or sometime of afterlife you better make sure you are going to the good place and not the bad place..... right?

So Jesus is straight up with him...... follow the commandments.

I often wonder how sarcastic Jesus says these things. This man led an upright life and in a way he was building him for his fall in a few mins.

Yes. Check. I've done it.

No. Never murdered.
Never coveted my neighbor's donkey.
etc etc etc

This man replies with "Ive done all these since I was a young boy"

As Jesus prepares to walk away he says one more thing.....“You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

That's the only requirement to follow me. Leave it all behind.

This is a sad story. Luke wrote these words next, "When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was very wealthy." 

What a tragic story. He couldn't/wouldn't give up his money to follow Jesus. 

The point

So what's the point. Sell everything you have. Be poor. Don't work hard. Give it all away.... right?


You see the irony of this story is that man who held the title of "Ruler" was a "slave"

He was a slave to his material possessions. That is why Jesus said, "Sell it all"

We can worship God or we can worship money but not both.
We can love God or we can love things but not both.
We can praise God or praise nationalism.

Each moment of our lives are filled with choices. We can chose to make wise or unwise decisions with those choices.

We can own our things or we can let our things own us....

Once again its a choice.



I want to pose a question to see if you are slave to your things.... where do you run when you are sad? When you are disappointed? When you are upset?

Do you run to God or do you run to something else that promises to met your need but never will. Do you run to Facebook for love? Sorry honey that wont work. Do you run to another person? They will let you down....

We have become a nation addicted to instant gratification, addicted to our smart phones, addicted to oneself.

But there is hope.... lay it down. That thing that we are a enslave to.... dont wait for lent to give it up. Give it up now... for good.

And I pray by the power of the Holy Spirit you will learn you cannot be both a slave and free.


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