This past Sunday our Senior Pastor told our congregation that the best thing for some people in our church community would be to skip church for a week.
His sermon centered on the theme of resting on God and just "being" who He created us to be.
Of course, we NEED church. We are the church. And we need each other. But the point remains.... we do, do, do and wonder why we are tired.
That is part of the reason I love our church. There is a lot of freedom. When we are singing songs, some weeks I am dead tired and I just need to lie down and let the words wash over my body and I have the freedom to do so.
I have found (or maybe better worded) been found by God within the context of church. And I have continued to encounter God countless times inside our church building.
But not always. If you are anything like me, you like to meet God in other places.
Because God doesn't live in my church, or your church, or any church. (Yes, HE is there, but NOT JUST there).
So what connects your soul to God?
Is it going to Pittsburgh to watch a pirates game? Smelling the fresh cut grass and looking at the awe-inspiring skyline?
Is it going to Paris or another European city and being amazed by the cities of old?
Is it going to Starbucks and enjoying a really expensive cup of Joe?
Is it going for a walk in the woods, where you can scream and laugh and cry and no one else can hear you?
Is it in the delivery room watching your wife give birth to your first born son?
Is it serving? Maybe in a soup kitchen or cutting the lawn of an elderly couple.
So what, now what?
I remember when I was in college and one of my professors said "whenever we present a problem (so what?), we should give a call to answer (now what?).
So, what do we do?
Do we abandonen organized church and become hippies living in the wild? NO!
I believe we need to have balance in our lives. We need to be able to encounter and connect with God for ourselves and within a community.
I go deep with God on my own but can go wider when I have friends to speak into my life.
But Just because you are not hearing from/ connecting with God does not mean He has left you. It just means you need to try a new way to find Him.
God loves to play hide and seek like a loving father plays hide and seek with their toddler children. He hides in such a way to be found.
Let's go walking
A ministry that I am starting this summer is calling "Trail Walking with Jesus." My goal is to help you connect with God through one of my favorite places to connect with God: "The Rails to Trails."
We will be meeting at the Trail Head by Ace Hardware in Ridgway at 9am. You will need to bring a notebook and pen because as we walk I will pose a question for you to spend time by yourself to journal.
Final Thought
Summer is a great time to connect with God. To meet Him. I mentioned a few above but I want to give a few more ideas of how you can connect with God this summer.
- Read the Bible. But Ask God to teach you what you need to hear for that particular moment.
- Go for a canoe or kayak ride.
- Connect with a friend you have not seen in a while and ask him/her how they are doing.
- Serve
- Give away something to someone in need.
- Try something new (something that scares you) and ask God to give you the faith to do it!
Because God has promised us in his word that when we "seek him, we will find him, when we seek him with all our heart."
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