
May 3, 2017

What's the catch?

So pretty cool God story from last night.

We went to the OutCry Tour in Pittsburgh yesterday. It is a Christian event with powerful worship....

And we had a few extra tickets. So we stood outside the arena and yelled, "free tickets! No gimmicks! Actually free!"

We were able to give away the tickets to a man and his two children. They were thankful and tried paying us but we refused. 

We told him we believed that God wanted us to give him the tickets as a blessing and you can't pay for a blessing.

Now, here's the cool part.... a worker from the arena has been watching this whole time and he walks over to check it out. 

The worker said, "I've worked with the penguins at this arena and the previous arenas in town for over twenty years and this is only the third time I've seen someone give away free tickets to ANY event."

There was no "come to Jesus" moment, there was no miraculous healing, yet this man encountered God.

This worker saw Christians giving generously. Refusing to receive payment for a gift. 

He saw that God is good and he is working through his church.

Yet, when we hear that something is free we think "it's too good to be true."

We become Skeptical declaring, "What's the catch?"

But when God came down from heaven to show us the love of the father by going to the cross it was a free gift .

We say the Gospel, Salvation, free relationship with God, it's all Too GOOD TO BE TRUE. 

We say, "Someone has to pay!"

And God says, "I'll pay!" 

Someone did pay for those tickets. We did. 

And when we gave generously we showed the world (or at least one person) the generosity of our Heavenly Father.

Here's a quick example from the Bible

In one parable of Jesus, everyone was upset because all the workers received the same wage despite working different hours. Some worked 12 hours while others worked just 1. 

The owner of the vineyard in the story ends the parable by saying an insightful statement: "Are you envious because i am generous?"

I share this story with you this morning not to brag, not to say, "LOOK AT US! WE ARE SO GENEROUS!"

Because to be honest, I struggle with this. More times than not the amount I tip is based on the service I receive and not out of generosity. I think "What can MY MONEY do for me?" Instead of "How can I use my money to help others?" 

OR probably better written, "How can I use the money God has entrusted to me to show others His generous love?" 

So here's the catch!

Here's Your homework..... 

Show someone the love the father today. Give an encouraging word. Leave a 20 dollar tip to your deliver driver. Don't wait and ask permission to be generous. 

In the words of Nike, "Just do it." 



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