
Jul 22, 2018

A Son or a Slave?

I want to start blogging about music. I cant sing (unless you count the shower). I cant play any instruments (unless you count the air guitar) but I love to worship. There is something about music that connects us with God. So for the next few days? weeks? IDK? However long this lasts, I will be looking at different lyrics from inspired song writers. 


"No longer slaves" by Bethel Music. 

I am not going to write down the entire song.... you can look it up on Google or Youtube.

I am going to share what I believe God is saying to me through the song. 

The part of the song I want to look at is 

1) "I am no longer a slave to fear... I am a child of God."


2) "My fears were drowned in perfect love."


3) "There's no shadow you won't light up; coming after me" (okay this is from another song but I felt it fit well here!!!!!!)

3 Main Points

1) I cannot be both a son and a slave.

Let's take a stroll down memory lane. Imagine you are a young African-American boy. Your dad is a slave. Your mom is slave. Your brother.... is a slave. And you.... are a slave. 

You were born into it. 

You work hours in the field... meanwhile.... there is another boy. 

This boy is white. He is your age. But he is sitting at the dinner table. He is eating. He is resting. He is a son. 

You see the son of the property and the slave are different. 

Slavery can bind us. We can become a slave to anything. Where do you run when you are hurt? Maybe you run to drugs? Beer? FaceBook? Snapchat? Other people?

If we knew we are Son (or a daughter!!!!!) we will not run to other things. We will not be afraid. Because our Dad owns the property. 

What would the Father of the property think if his son put on slave clothing and started working in the field? He would assume his son was mad. He would run into the field and plead with his boy to come inside. Yet many of us choose being a slave to fear over sonship. 

2) Don't give CPR to your fears. 

In the OT (Old Testament) God split the Red Sea so his chosen nation could escape slavery in Egypt. After they crossed the Red Sea, the Egyptians who were chasing them down were drowned. 

Our fear chase us down but God in his perfect love can drowned our fear in perfect love. 

How silly would it be for you to jump into the water to give CPR to your fears! But we do. After they are almost dead.... we go all baywatch on them and try to give them new birth! How silly! How stupid. LET THEM DIE. 

FLEE from Fear and let God destroy them in perfect love. 

3) Light causes shadows. 

I stole this last one from "Reckless Love" 

David said it this way, "Even though I walk through the valley of death I shall fear no evil.... 


....For you are with me!"

You see when we go through tough times God is with us. 

I believe the light of God shines brightest in the darkness. You can't have a true shadow without light. God is light. And His love will always shine in the darkness. 


This blog post feels very scattered tonight. It was probably that Mexican food I had for dinner. But I know that FEAR IS BAD. And if you are afraid I don't want you to be ashamed. 

I want you to admit it so can can equip you to overcome it. 

You cant be fearless without God but with God you can! When you know God is your Daddy and you are his son/daughter you can walk in true freedom. 



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