
Nov 2, 2016

Am I qualified to teach gym?

Spoiler alert:Yes.

It's funny. I have been asked this question 5 or 6 times over the past few months when explaining that I have been teaching Gym at St Leo's since the start of the school year.

By the way, I have mad respect for those that went to school and continue to go to school for teaching: if that is physical education or otherwise. This blog in no one takes away from them or the importance to have qualified teachers in our school systems.

With all that being said: Isn't it funny? Like, how could they allow someone like you to teach our children! Btw I have had zero complaints (so far!) from teachers, administration, or parents within the school district. The ones who have asked are outside the context. 

So, how did we get here? I went to school and received a Bachelor of Arts in Student Ministry and received a minor in Psychology. So it makes sense that my Full time position is being the Youth Pastor for Awakening Alliance Church. But Gym? Okay. I like sports. Maybe just a little bit.

I played sports most of my life. You know: Like Baseball, football, wrestling, tennis, hockey. Just to name a few....And then I found a new one in college: Rugby. Oh, and I even assist my brother in coaching junior high wrestling.

But does all this make me qualified to teach K-8 gym. No, not really.

But it's okay.

Because if we wait till we are "ready" to do something nothing will ever get done. For example: my wife is pregnant. Praise the Lord. Am I ready? Working on it......

If you have kids you know, its a learning process. You need to grow and learn as they learn and grow.

All I know is when God opens the door we have the choice to run through it or pee our pants.

Lets look at this from a "spiritual" point of view.

I am a Christian. I love God and He loves me.

There is nothing I did to deserve his radical, unconditional, and fervent love toward me.

I am highly unqualified to teach the Gospel. Because I have sinned. I have made mistakes(Ask my wife). And I will never measure up to God and his perfection (so I should stop trying).

And in fact many times, I put false expectations on others that I would never put on myself. You know what we call those people right??? Hypocritical.

So, I guess I need to spot preaching the Gospel and teaching Gym and go live in a van down by the river.

Right? No! Of Course not. The Gospel, the Good News,  that Jesus brought and bought for us is based on us not being qualified.

He says, "Though your sins are many, I cast them into the sea, and remember them not."

You see, when we truly believe in Jesus: we understand that we have access to forgiveness. We have access to a new start. We have access to display love without expecting anything back. (Is that not what Jesus did himself?)

If you have experience the forgiveness of God that comes through Jesus, though your sins are many, you are qualified to tell others of the Good things God has done in your life.

So, Am I qualified to teach gym at SLS?

If by qualified you mean: I have a degree in education? Then the answer is still: No.

If by qualified you mean: God has opened the door and trained me in his own way and in his own timing for such a time as this? Then,Ya.

I am still learning and still growing. Many days I do want to pee my pants, but I go forward with pee-soaked joggers teaching the best I know, relying on the Holy Spirit, and relying on others along the way.

May you go through the doors God has opened for you. May you, though you are fearful, not be afraid. May you not think you are unqualified if God has qualified you for a new position or a new passion. And more than all of this: May you make an impact where you are.

Because a flower blooms where it is planted.


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