Rudolph the red nose reindeer was a victim of bullying!
Do you remember that Red-nose savior of Christmas? Rudolph.
What a story of triumph!
What a story of over coming the odds!
But should we teach this story to our children?
In this story, or song, our main character is bullied. He is called names and is not allowed to play in any reindeer games.
Santa Claus, who apparently, is able to know the merits of every little child on planet earth, neglects to step in when the misfit Rudolph gets bullied and neglected.
It is only in a dash of desperation that they include Rudolph. It was a foggy Christmas Eve and Santa came and said, "Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you lead our sleigh tonight?"
What if Rudolph declined? No! You picked on me for all these years, I am not helping you! Seems more likely, right?
Instead, Rudolph, not only joins the other reindeer in the journey but is put in the front!
So, am I making too much of this story?
Ya. Probably.
Yet, we need to be careful what we teach our children through story.
As we have arrived in the season of ADVENT, we prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A misfit if you will. He was born in a manger, without a legit father. He was called a bastard child. He grew up in the backwater town of Nazareth. But this underdog (by the world's standard) was no underdog at all. He held the whole world in His hands and allowed Himself to become a baby, who needed a diaper change. But that infant would grow up and die on a cross so we could be saved.
So, Jesus is a little more important than Rudolph. But in their stories they are both the victor, the champion, and the Savior (if you will!)
How should we approach Christmas with our children! Giving gifts right? Maybe.
But what about those who are being bullied? What about those who are being forgotten? What if we teach our children (by modeling it ourselves) to include others in our "Reindeer games"?
What if we use this story to illustrate how the characters could have acted differently? Santa should not have neglected Rudolph all these years and could have used this as a teaching moment to include everyone!
So maybe you need to learn how to include others or......
Maybe you are the outcast. You can identify with Rudolph. No one wants you till they can use you for their own goal. And I'm sorry you feel that way.
But, according to Jesus, you are more valuable than you think. Your value was determined on the cross. You were (and are) worth dying for.
I don't care if you have a mole, you have a disability, or even have a shinny red nose. God loves you just the way He created you to be.
This Christmas: may you know you are loved by God. May you know that when others treat you unfairly that He is with you and He is for you! But May you also have the courage to stand up for those that are being mistreated. May you look for the treasure in others and this can only come by friendship.
Merry "very early" Christmas!
Dec 6, 2016
Nov 23, 2016
Christ Came for me
I have been preparing to preach in Emporium Alliance Church this coming Sunday. I am preaching on the "Power of Thanksgiving." I will be using a lot material from my previous blog on "Thanksgiving"
Something else I will be sharing is what I want to share with my cyber friends right now. I find myself in an awkward place emotionally right now. As some of you know my wife Jasmine is pregnant. She is due on April 18,2017. So we are around half way there! WOOT!
We are celebrating and thankful for this pregnancy and all the wonderful plans in store for our child but we still mourn our last child who died prenatal (sometime around 6-8 weeks).
I don't know if I will ever stop mourning or if I ever half to. After all I still mourn (maybe a better word is: Miss) my mother who passed away 9 years ago. What I do have left, of those who have gone before me, are my memories and my time of mourning.
In processing my pain, last July (2015), I constructed a poem. I do not find myself very creative (though my wife would say otherwise), but blogging and writing has become a place where I have been able to think, process, celebrate, and even mourn tragedy in my life.
It is the place where as Bill Randall says, "I can get it up and out."
Below I just wanted to share the poem that I wrote about 16 months ago. This is raw and it is real. And its a little long (sorry for that!!). But I hope it inspires someone out there that is currently going through a tragedy. I hope it inspires you and gives you permission to mourn, to cry, to process, and when it's time: to heal.
Say Hi to your grandma when you can
She’ll tell you about the buccos and how she was the biggest fan.
Something else I will be sharing is what I want to share with my cyber friends right now. I find myself in an awkward place emotionally right now. As some of you know my wife Jasmine is pregnant. She is due on April 18,2017. So we are around half way there! WOOT!
We are celebrating and thankful for this pregnancy and all the wonderful plans in store for our child but we still mourn our last child who died prenatal (sometime around 6-8 weeks).
I don't know if I will ever stop mourning or if I ever half to. After all I still mourn (maybe a better word is: Miss) my mother who passed away 9 years ago. What I do have left, of those who have gone before me, are my memories and my time of mourning.
In processing my pain, last July (2015), I constructed a poem. I do not find myself very creative (though my wife would say otherwise), but blogging and writing has become a place where I have been able to think, process, celebrate, and even mourn tragedy in my life.
It is the place where as Bill Randall says, "I can get it up and out."
Below I just wanted to share the poem that I wrote about 16 months ago. This is raw and it is real. And its a little long (sorry for that!!). But I hope it inspires someone out there that is currently going through a tragedy. I hope it inspires you and gives you permission to mourn, to cry, to process, and when it's time: to heal.
came for me- by Jeff Slattery
Christ came
for me.
I was
lost. I was dead. I was without hope.
But then
He came.
He came
for me.
You see, I
like to take credit for coming to God.
It was my
I thought
of it.
I was
smart and jumped on the lifeboat of my salvation.
without Christ I couldn’t see.
I was
blind. I was hurt. I was dead.
But then
He came.
A light
came into the darkness.
A Voice
spoke into the silence.
A love
came into the hatred.
From death
to life through the one who made it all.
But why?
I cannot
I cannot
fathom why? I would not have done the same.
Give my
only son?
But He
He came
for me.
I was lost
but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.
So I will
not boast in anything.
But I will
boast in the One who came for me.
For on the
day He came.
I was
And He
came to make me a son.
Adopted in his holy family.
Not only a
son but crucified with Christ.
For on
that day He died,
I died
Died to
So I’ll
raise my white flag
surrender all to you.
All for
surrendered when he came.
Yes, He
came for me.
And he came for her.
weeks with no heartbeat.
nothing but defeat.
And Death seemed
to win the day
But it
does not have the final say.
For you
were fearfully and wonderfully made
But I…I was so afraid, I prayed and I prayed.
But I…I was so afraid, I prayed and I prayed.
John Green
said some infinities are bigger than others
How fair is that to me or your mother?
How fair is that to me or your mother?
My only
hope is that Christ came for you.
When death
thought it could get you down.
The Savior came and spun you around.
The Savior came and spun you around.
holding you as a smile appears on your face.
Heaven; what a wonderful place.
Heaven; what a wonderful place.
Say Hi to your grandma when you can
She’ll tell you about the buccos and how she was the biggest fan.
parents? We’ll be alright.
Learning to surrender to God with all our might.
Learning to surrender to God with all our might.
And Christ will come again.
You see, The story goes.
Christ has
died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.
The Life I
now live is all looking forward to the age to come.
Christ comes I will be made like Him.
In a
twinkling of an eye, You and I will be changed.
He will
wipe away your tear
Nothing to
For the
Savior is Here.
And death
shall be no more. .
The dead
shall rise
We shall
see our prize.
Risen King
May you know that Christ has come for you! May you know that He loves you so much. May you know that the value of your life was determined by Jesus dying on the Cross. You are literally worth dying for. Yes, even you. Yes, even when you did that ONE thing. He came; not to make you perfect. Not even so you could become perfect. But so He could show you true love.
Happy Thanksgiving (Eve).
Sincerely, a sinner turned Saint by the grace of God.
Nov 21, 2016
Thanksgiving (or how to give thanks when life sucks)
It's easy to be thankful when things are going well.
You got a new job, you received a raise, you find your wife is pregnant.
But Sometimes Life sucks!
Am I right?
We all go through hard times. Someone dies, someone leaves us (divorce), you get in a car wreck, the steelers lose, etc
And in those moments I do not want to be thankful. In fact, my heart is stubborn and demands justice. Why did this happen to ME! This is so UNFAIR!
Anyone in the same boat?
So how do we choose thankfulness when things look differently than what we thought they would?
I guess the best way for me to communicate this is through stories. The first is from the Bible and the second is from my life.
First the Bible......
In the First Century, there was this man named Paul. He was Against Christianity originally but had a pretty dramatic encounter with the Lord (Acts 9) and become a follower of Jesus. In those days, it was dangerous to confess you were a follower of Jesus. Many were jailed; while others were killed for their faith.
A few occasions Paul was falsely accused and sent to Jail. He did NOTHING WRONG. In injustice to say the least. We read of this in Acts 16. So he does what any normal person would do. Complain! Right?
He starts singing worship songs to God and giving God thanks while in jail. While Paul and his friend Silas were praising God and giving thanks, the whole prison was shaken by a massive earthquake.
All of the doors immediately opened and all of the prisoners chains were loosen.
The jailer awoke (naturally) and decided it was time to end it all. The Jailer took his sword about to commit suicide. But Paul yells, "Stop, don't kill yourself We are all here."
This jailer has a faith crisis moment and asks these men who were so free that they didn't leave jail "What must he do to be saved?"
What a crazy story?
There were other times when Paul was in Prison and thanking God and there wasn't a direct answer to pray. Paul wasn't praying to God so that God would act. He was praying because He knew that God was good. He knew he had some much to be thankful for. First and foremost that God is good and that God is in control, even when we are in Jail.
Even when your wife has a miscarriage.
That is my story. About a year and half ago (May 2015) we found out that my wife was pregnant. We were a combination of excited, nervous, and anxious. But to our dismay, at the first appointment (8 weeks), we discovered that this little baby had no heartbeat. They scheduled for us to come back in for an ultrasound in 2 weeks to check again but still no heartbeat.
This feeling had to be worst than being falsely accused and being in prison. The doctors ordered for a DNC and questions start to abound. Why would God let this happen? Why didn't he answer our prayers?
Why does God let bad things happen?
There is no easy, clean answer to that question.
Maybe you are going through your own tradegy today? Maybe you were raped, maybe your spouse died, maybe you are really sick, or depressed?
But sometimes life sucks and we need to be really intentional about how we think and how we act in light of it all.
What gave me hope through the pain is my belief in God. My belief that this little baby was in heaven with the rest of my loved ones who have already passed.
What gave me hope was that God was not done redeeming my situation. When it seems like we lose, don't give up hope. God is not finished. Remember Jesus? He was falsely accused and died a criminals death.
For what purpose? His death and resurrection brought us a new relationship with God. Sin, our bad behavior separated us from God, But Jesus came as the prefect sacrifice for our sins.
On the outside, it looked like injustice and evil were winning, yet it was all apart of God's master plan. For on the third day, Jesus rose from the grave. Jesus defeated death and hell.
Hebrews 12 declares, "He considered the joy set before him so he could endured the cross."
It brought Jesus JOY to endure the cross because he knew the end result was purchasing us a relationship with God, our Father forever!
What if we have that eternal perspective? Not denying the pain. But saying God, this hurts, But I know you are Good. I give you thanks because I know you are going to bring Good out of all this pain, hurt, and regret.
The Good News on Nov 21, 2016, My wife is again pregnant. And though I have fears and doubts that the same thing could happen I am choosing each day to place my trust in God. We are at 19 weeks. Going strong.
This thanksgiving, I have a lot to be thankful for. But more than just being thankful for Future Baby Slattery, I am thankful for the strengthening of my faith in God. Though, I don't wish a miscarriage or any tragedy on anyone it can strengthen our relationship with God as we learn what it truly means to trust in Him.
My prayer for you this thanksgiving season is to give thanks. Don't just give thanks for the usual stuff (family, friends, job, food, etc). Give thanks for the pain, give thanks for the days of sorrow, give thanks that things don't always go the way you planned.
Because it means that God is at work!
Happy Thanksgiving 2016
You got a new job, you received a raise, you find your wife is pregnant.
But Sometimes Life sucks!
Am I right?
We all go through hard times. Someone dies, someone leaves us (divorce), you get in a car wreck, the steelers lose, etc
And in those moments I do not want to be thankful. In fact, my heart is stubborn and demands justice. Why did this happen to ME! This is so UNFAIR!
Anyone in the same boat?
So how do we choose thankfulness when things look differently than what we thought they would?
I guess the best way for me to communicate this is through stories. The first is from the Bible and the second is from my life.
First the Bible......
In the First Century, there was this man named Paul. He was Against Christianity originally but had a pretty dramatic encounter with the Lord (Acts 9) and become a follower of Jesus. In those days, it was dangerous to confess you were a follower of Jesus. Many were jailed; while others were killed for their faith.
A few occasions Paul was falsely accused and sent to Jail. He did NOTHING WRONG. In injustice to say the least. We read of this in Acts 16. So he does what any normal person would do. Complain! Right?
He starts singing worship songs to God and giving God thanks while in jail. While Paul and his friend Silas were praising God and giving thanks, the whole prison was shaken by a massive earthquake.
All of the doors immediately opened and all of the prisoners chains were loosen.
The jailer awoke (naturally) and decided it was time to end it all. The Jailer took his sword about to commit suicide. But Paul yells, "Stop, don't kill yourself We are all here."
This jailer has a faith crisis moment and asks these men who were so free that they didn't leave jail "What must he do to be saved?"
What a crazy story?
There were other times when Paul was in Prison and thanking God and there wasn't a direct answer to pray. Paul wasn't praying to God so that God would act. He was praying because He knew that God was good. He knew he had some much to be thankful for. First and foremost that God is good and that God is in control, even when we are in Jail.
Even when your wife has a miscarriage.
That is my story. About a year and half ago (May 2015) we found out that my wife was pregnant. We were a combination of excited, nervous, and anxious. But to our dismay, at the first appointment (8 weeks), we discovered that this little baby had no heartbeat. They scheduled for us to come back in for an ultrasound in 2 weeks to check again but still no heartbeat.
This feeling had to be worst than being falsely accused and being in prison. The doctors ordered for a DNC and questions start to abound. Why would God let this happen? Why didn't he answer our prayers?
Why does God let bad things happen?
There is no easy, clean answer to that question.
Maybe you are going through your own tradegy today? Maybe you were raped, maybe your spouse died, maybe you are really sick, or depressed?
But sometimes life sucks and we need to be really intentional about how we think and how we act in light of it all.
What gave me hope through the pain is my belief in God. My belief that this little baby was in heaven with the rest of my loved ones who have already passed.
What gave me hope was that God was not done redeeming my situation. When it seems like we lose, don't give up hope. God is not finished. Remember Jesus? He was falsely accused and died a criminals death.
For what purpose? His death and resurrection brought us a new relationship with God. Sin, our bad behavior separated us from God, But Jesus came as the prefect sacrifice for our sins.
On the outside, it looked like injustice and evil were winning, yet it was all apart of God's master plan. For on the third day, Jesus rose from the grave. Jesus defeated death and hell.
Hebrews 12 declares, "He considered the joy set before him so he could endured the cross."
It brought Jesus JOY to endure the cross because he knew the end result was purchasing us a relationship with God, our Father forever!
What if we have that eternal perspective? Not denying the pain. But saying God, this hurts, But I know you are Good. I give you thanks because I know you are going to bring Good out of all this pain, hurt, and regret.
The Good News on Nov 21, 2016, My wife is again pregnant. And though I have fears and doubts that the same thing could happen I am choosing each day to place my trust in God. We are at 19 weeks. Going strong.
This thanksgiving, I have a lot to be thankful for. But more than just being thankful for Future Baby Slattery, I am thankful for the strengthening of my faith in God. Though, I don't wish a miscarriage or any tragedy on anyone it can strengthen our relationship with God as we learn what it truly means to trust in Him.
My prayer for you this thanksgiving season is to give thanks. Don't just give thanks for the usual stuff (family, friends, job, food, etc). Give thanks for the pain, give thanks for the days of sorrow, give thanks that things don't always go the way you planned.
Because it means that God is at work!
Happy Thanksgiving 2016
Nov 2, 2016
Am I qualified to teach gym?
Spoiler alert:Yes.
It's funny. I have been asked this question 5 or 6 times over the past few months when explaining that I have been teaching Gym at St Leo's since the start of the school year.
By the way, I have mad respect for those that went to school and continue to go to school for teaching: if that is physical education or otherwise. This blog in no one takes away from them or the importance to have qualified teachers in our school systems.
With all that being said: Isn't it funny? Like, how could they allow someone like you to teach our children! Btw I have had zero complaints (so far!) from teachers, administration, or parents within the school district. The ones who have asked are outside the context.
So, how did we get here? I went to school and received a Bachelor of Arts in Student Ministry and received a minor in Psychology. So it makes sense that my Full time position is being the Youth Pastor for Awakening Alliance Church. But Gym? Okay. I like sports. Maybe just a little bit.
I played sports most of my life. You know: Like Baseball, football, wrestling, tennis, hockey. Just to name a few....And then I found a new one in college: Rugby. Oh, and I even assist my brother in coaching junior high wrestling.
But does all this make me qualified to teach K-8 gym. No, not really.
But it's okay.
Because if we wait till we are "ready" to do something nothing will ever get done. For example: my wife is pregnant. Praise the Lord. Am I ready? Working on it......
If you have kids you know, its a learning process. You need to grow and learn as they learn and grow.
All I know is when God opens the door we have the choice to run through it or pee our pants.
Lets look at this from a "spiritual" point of view.
I am a Christian. I love God and He loves me.
There is nothing I did to deserve his radical, unconditional, and fervent love toward me.
I am highly unqualified to teach the Gospel. Because I have sinned. I have made mistakes(Ask my wife). And I will never measure up to God and his perfection (so I should stop trying).
And in fact many times, I put false expectations on others that I would never put on myself. You know what we call those people right??? Hypocritical.
So, I guess I need to spot preaching the Gospel and teaching Gym and go live in a van down by the river.
Right? No! Of Course not. The Gospel, the Good News, that Jesus brought and bought for us is based on us not being qualified.
He says, "Though your sins are many, I cast them into the sea, and remember them not."
You see, when we truly believe in Jesus: we understand that we have access to forgiveness. We have access to a new start. We have access to display love without expecting anything back. (Is that not what Jesus did himself?)
If you have experience the forgiveness of God that comes through Jesus, though your sins are many, you are qualified to tell others of the Good things God has done in your life.
So, Am I qualified to teach gym at SLS?
If by qualified you mean: I have a degree in education? Then the answer is still: No.
If by qualified you mean: God has opened the door and trained me in his own way and in his own timing for such a time as this? Then,Ya.
I am still learning and still growing. Many days I do want to pee my pants, but I go forward with pee-soaked joggers teaching the best I know, relying on the Holy Spirit, and relying on others along the way.
May you go through the doors God has opened for you. May you, though you are fearful, not be afraid. May you not think you are unqualified if God has qualified you for a new position or a new passion. And more than all of this: May you make an impact where you are.
Because a flower blooms where it is planted.
It's funny. I have been asked this question 5 or 6 times over the past few months when explaining that I have been teaching Gym at St Leo's since the start of the school year.
By the way, I have mad respect for those that went to school and continue to go to school for teaching: if that is physical education or otherwise. This blog in no one takes away from them or the importance to have qualified teachers in our school systems.
With all that being said: Isn't it funny? Like, how could they allow someone like you to teach our children! Btw I have had zero complaints (so far!) from teachers, administration, or parents within the school district. The ones who have asked are outside the context.
So, how did we get here? I went to school and received a Bachelor of Arts in Student Ministry and received a minor in Psychology. So it makes sense that my Full time position is being the Youth Pastor for Awakening Alliance Church. But Gym? Okay. I like sports. Maybe just a little bit.
I played sports most of my life. You know: Like Baseball, football, wrestling, tennis, hockey. Just to name a few....And then I found a new one in college: Rugby. Oh, and I even assist my brother in coaching junior high wrestling.
But does all this make me qualified to teach K-8 gym. No, not really.
But it's okay.
Because if we wait till we are "ready" to do something nothing will ever get done. For example: my wife is pregnant. Praise the Lord. Am I ready? Working on it......
If you have kids you know, its a learning process. You need to grow and learn as they learn and grow.
All I know is when God opens the door we have the choice to run through it or pee our pants.
Lets look at this from a "spiritual" point of view.
I am a Christian. I love God and He loves me.
There is nothing I did to deserve his radical, unconditional, and fervent love toward me.
I am highly unqualified to teach the Gospel. Because I have sinned. I have made mistakes(Ask my wife). And I will never measure up to God and his perfection (so I should stop trying).
And in fact many times, I put false expectations on others that I would never put on myself. You know what we call those people right??? Hypocritical.
So, I guess I need to spot preaching the Gospel and teaching Gym and go live in a van down by the river.
Right? No! Of Course not. The Gospel, the Good News, that Jesus brought and bought for us is based on us not being qualified.
He says, "Though your sins are many, I cast them into the sea, and remember them not."
You see, when we truly believe in Jesus: we understand that we have access to forgiveness. We have access to a new start. We have access to display love without expecting anything back. (Is that not what Jesus did himself?)
If you have experience the forgiveness of God that comes through Jesus, though your sins are many, you are qualified to tell others of the Good things God has done in your life.
So, Am I qualified to teach gym at SLS?
If by qualified you mean: I have a degree in education? Then the answer is still: No.
If by qualified you mean: God has opened the door and trained me in his own way and in his own timing for such a time as this? Then,Ya.
I am still learning and still growing. Many days I do want to pee my pants, but I go forward with pee-soaked joggers teaching the best I know, relying on the Holy Spirit, and relying on others along the way.
May you go through the doors God has opened for you. May you, though you are fearful, not be afraid. May you not think you are unqualified if God has qualified you for a new position or a new passion. And more than all of this: May you make an impact where you are.
Because a flower blooms where it is planted.
Oct 18, 2016
Go and marry a prostitute (Its in the Bible)
I was reading my Bible Today and was reminded of a really powerful yet unpopular book nestled in the Old Testament. The Book is Prophetic and written by a man name: Hosea
It opens with a strange request:
"Go and marry a prostitute so that some of her children will be conceived in prostitution. This will illustrate how Israel (God's people) has acted like a prostitute by turning against the Lord and worshiping other gods."
I just imagine a picture in my head of how this looked:
Hosea: I love you God, so much. I will do anything for you. I will follow you with my life.
God: Anything, are you sure?
Hosea: Yes, Lord. Anything for you!
God: Okay, go and marry a prostitute.
Hosea: mmmmmhh
That wasn't God right??!???
How would you respond and advise someone who says, "I think God is telling me to go to the strip club and marry one of the hookers"?
I would tell that person that there is no way they are hearing from God and then I would go and plan their intervention where I would bring in all their family to help them see the error in their way.
But this is what happened to Hosea and God tells Hosea upfront why he is to marry a prostitute. The reasoning behind marrying a prostitute is simple. The people of Israel, in the time, were unfaithful to God and so he wanted to demonstrate that He was faithful even when she was not.
So Hosea and Gomer are married. In what would have been the world's most awkward wedding.
"If anyone sees why these two should not be wed speak now or forever hold your peace."......
They are married, then they have babies, and then she goes back to being a prostitute.
So, reading this story: We would assume, "Okay, Hosea tried it, it didn't work, so now they should get divorce and he can be more "equally yoked."
But isn't this how we see other people. Or maybe ourselves. Well, I let God down today. I sinned. Now, he won't love me. Or he loves me but that other person, over there, they have sinned WAY MORE than I have.
There is NO HOPE for them!
Thankfully God is better than that!!!!!
God tells Hosea in Chapter 3 to, "Go and love your wife again, even though she commits adultery with another lover. This will illustrate that the Lord still loves Israel, even though the people have turned to other gods and love to worship them."
So Hosea goes to her. Where? The Bible doesn't say. But im assuming its not a kid friendly place.
So Hosea pays for his wife.
Just imagining here: One can only assume she was with her pimp. Hosea tries to take her but the pimp says he has to pay like everyone else. And So he does. He pays for what is already his.
The picture is clear. Hosea is a picture of Jesus while we (no offense) are a picture of Gomer.
I don't know if you have ever thought of yourself that way. I know I have. I have been to dark places where only the grace of God could pull me out.
And I wake up the next day hungry for sin. Hungry for rebellion. And I ask the Lord, to come and rescue me. And guess what? He does. He doesn't say, "well, I would forgive you but you have reached your quota for the month......."
He is that Good. He is so much better than we think he is.
And no, I have not committed adultery, or murdered, but I have sinned. I have put myself before others. I have lied when it is convenient. And if we are being honest we have all done really stupid and selfish things.
But we are not left in our sin and shame. If we know God and we know how much Jesus was willing to pay for us: we can be free. Your price tag was the cross. That is your value. You are literally worth dying for.
We can know that even when we are rebellious that God's love is stronger.
This also changes how we see others: If God was willing to die for me and forgive me, then he was willing to die and forgive others.
So, as a Christian, I do not give up hope. Even for those that seem so against Jesus: Either by their words or by their deeds.
There is no hopeless situation. God is in control. God is in charge. And God is on his throne. He is a Good Father and He continues to display his goodness in my life.
I don't always see it. But God is giving me deeper revelation of His goodness. I pray that as you read this and as you live your life you will also come to a deeper understanding of the Goodness of God.
Sep 30, 2016
Is it okay to be happy?
Okay let me explain where I am coming from.
Yesterday, I was teaching gym at SLS in Ridgway. We were at the YMCA because of the storm. In one of my classes we played a game called, "Mouse-trap." Half the students were mice and the other half formed hands in a circle and acted as the "mouse-trap."
The goal for the mice is to get into the mousetrap and out without being caught. Pretty difficult. Most students could not do it. But it was fun. Kids were laughing and filled with joy. Until one girl sucessfully entered the mouse trap and exited the other side.
She was happy. She finally did it. A few more students managed to do it but She was the FIRST. She proclaim a little bit of emotion and gave hugs to a few of her friends. To this celebration two members of the "mouse-trap" were greatly offended.
Oh did I mention that these kids were 8? So the offended party starts yelling that the offender (or the successful mouse) should not be bragging because it is just a game.
So who is right? The Mouse or the Mousetrap? The offender or the offended?
So, there I was in the middle of class with conflict. I briefly tried my best to explain there is a difference between bragging and and celebrating. Its okay to be happy that you did something good but it is not okay to make someone else feel bad about it.
I'm not sure how much of the talk these students understood.
Have you ever tried to explain the difference between "bragging" and "celebration" to a group of second graders?
I am just one voice in their life. And I hope to be a good one but they listen to so many voices. Their other teachers, their parents, their coaches,their friends, and many other voices around them.
But this whole conflict lead to me it okay to be happy? I mean if you are a Christian you are suppose to be humble right? Putting others first. And if you are a parent don't you want your children to be humble? You know like Jesus?
Ya, we should be humble. If you believe in Jesus and identify as a Christian you believe that everything you have is a blessing from God. This includes your personality, your talents, even how much money your family has! It all comes from God and we should be "humble and kind."
But is it okay to be happy? What I mean by is this: Is it okay to celebrate an accomplishment?
The answer is yes but I need to explain because I know some people that act worst than these 8 year olds. It is okay to be happy. It is okay to celebrate what you did and celebrate what others have done.
At the same time we should not be a jerk (by the way I don't think this girl was being a jerk or her intentions were to hurt someone's feelings). I just think that they were taught that it was not okay to celebrate because it meant you were bragging.
But I will tell you , and maybe myself, the same thing. We celebrate to give God the glory. We thank Him for helping us to achieve our goal. And we do not put others down.
But what if that wasn't my intention? What if I wasn't trying to hurt someone's feeling by how I acted? Well, since it is not about you, its about how God has gifted you, then just tone down the celebration.
Because after all its just Gym Class.
Okay let me explain where I am coming from.
Yesterday, I was teaching gym at SLS in Ridgway. We were at the YMCA because of the storm. In one of my classes we played a game called, "Mouse-trap." Half the students were mice and the other half formed hands in a circle and acted as the "mouse-trap."
The goal for the mice is to get into the mousetrap and out without being caught. Pretty difficult. Most students could not do it. But it was fun. Kids were laughing and filled with joy. Until one girl sucessfully entered the mouse trap and exited the other side.
She was happy. She finally did it. A few more students managed to do it but She was the FIRST. She proclaim a little bit of emotion and gave hugs to a few of her friends. To this celebration two members of the "mouse-trap" were greatly offended.
Oh did I mention that these kids were 8? So the offended party starts yelling that the offender (or the successful mouse) should not be bragging because it is just a game.
So who is right? The Mouse or the Mousetrap? The offender or the offended?
So, there I was in the middle of class with conflict. I briefly tried my best to explain there is a difference between bragging and and celebrating. Its okay to be happy that you did something good but it is not okay to make someone else feel bad about it.
I'm not sure how much of the talk these students understood.
Have you ever tried to explain the difference between "bragging" and "celebration" to a group of second graders?
I am just one voice in their life. And I hope to be a good one but they listen to so many voices. Their other teachers, their parents, their coaches,their friends, and many other voices around them.
But this whole conflict lead to me it okay to be happy? I mean if you are a Christian you are suppose to be humble right? Putting others first. And if you are a parent don't you want your children to be humble? You know like Jesus?
Ya, we should be humble. If you believe in Jesus and identify as a Christian you believe that everything you have is a blessing from God. This includes your personality, your talents, even how much money your family has! It all comes from God and we should be "humble and kind."
But is it okay to be happy? What I mean by is this: Is it okay to celebrate an accomplishment?
The answer is yes but I need to explain because I know some people that act worst than these 8 year olds. It is okay to be happy. It is okay to celebrate what you did and celebrate what others have done.
At the same time we should not be a jerk (by the way I don't think this girl was being a jerk or her intentions were to hurt someone's feelings). I just think that they were taught that it was not okay to celebrate because it meant you were bragging.
But I will tell you , and maybe myself, the same thing. We celebrate to give God the glory. We thank Him for helping us to achieve our goal. And we do not put others down.
But what if that wasn't my intention? What if I wasn't trying to hurt someone's feeling by how I acted? Well, since it is not about you, its about how God has gifted you, then just tone down the celebration.
Because after all its just Gym Class.
Sep 12, 2016
Unless Someone Like You
Do you remember the Dr Seuss book "The Lorax"?
The Lorax is about a boy name Ted Wiggins who lives in a completely artificial city. Everything is fake including the trees. Ted has a crush on a local environmentalist Audrey who wants to see a tree more than anything in the whole world. So Ted leaves his city on search of the "Once-ler" who he heard knows about trees. The "Once-ler" promises to tell Ted about trees if he listens to his story over multiple visits.
The "Once-ler" recounts the story of how when he was a young man he parted his family to find good material for his new invention. The key to his new invention was one of "Truffula" Trees in the forest.
It is here in the forest that the "Once-ler" meets the Lorax. He is the guardian of the forest and declares many times, "He speaks for the trees." The Lorax warns the "Once-ler" to leave the forest or he will be doomed. However, he does not listen to the warning. Instead, he does what any good capitalist would do and cuts down as many trees as he could, as fast as he could, so he could become as rich as he could.
Yet,one day, the forest was destroyed. There were no more trees or animals. And intense fog and smog covered the land. The Lorax leaves and only leaves a stone-cut word: "Unless"
At the conclusion of the "Once-ler"'s story he understands the meaning behind the Lorax's last message. He then gives Ted the last "Truffula" seed in hope that he can plant it and make others care about real trees once more.
A few more things happen. The bad guy is defeated. The hero gets the girl. They sing a song about planted trees and "letting them grow" and we are left with a challenge.
We are told,
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
Wow, what a great message.
So are you more like the "Once-ler" of the "Lorax"?
The "Once-ler" consumed. He used. He didn't care about anyone but himself. But the Lorax cared. He cared about the animals. He cared about the trees. He cared about generations way beyond his himself.
We can take this discussion in a few different directions.The most obvious direction is that of the intention of Dr Seuss: Care about the earth and take care of it. Because we only have one.
And I agree. We should take care of the earth. We should recycle. We should use reusable resources as often as we can.
But I want to talk about something else. Or rather someone else. People.
Yesterday we remembered September 11, 2001. It was 15 years since that crazy day. A day when many people "came back" to God. or at least to "church" Because you know when disaster comes it is at least good to know that God is on your side. Just like with the Civil War. That is why we have "In God we trust" on our money. We figured if we were fighting a war we should make sure that God is on our side.
There is great injustice in our nation. (in case you have been sleeping). And don't get me wrong I am proud to be American. I love this nation. I have only ever been to three so I don't have much to compare her to but I like it here. But we have a long way to grow.
We see this most evident when people like Colin Kaepernick exercises his First Amendment right to not stand for the National Anthem and gets mocked by the media. Listen, I would not have done it that way, but either everyone is free or no one is free.
I am glad he stood up (ironically) by sitting down (or taking a kneel). We need and should desire social change. We should desire it by peaceful protest. Because if people don't stand up then the powerful people only get more powerful while the oppressed only get more oppressed.
I am not black. Not even close. I am very very white. But we need to stand for the rights of others. And Yes, in case you were wondering, "Black lives do matter." Isn't that what we want as a country?
Just because Muslim terrorists attacked our country 15 years ago we should not label every Muslim a terrorist in the same way I would not want to label all Christians "bigots" because some are.
But the truth is: We, like the Lorax, need to stand. We need to speak. Why? I am not being oppressed. Well, not yet.
But you might one day and you will wish that someone stood up with you. My hope and my prayer is that you will be filled with compassion and empathy this day.
Pastor Martin Niemölle said it this way.......
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
So there ya go. You might not be a socialist, you might not be a Jew, or a homosexual, or a Muslim, or Black, but you are some thing and you are someone.
And you either fight for someone to have justice or allow for them to be oppressed.
And.....I want to see our nation become stronger and for each individual to have "liberty and justice for all." But.......
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
Sep 2, 2016
The Gospel according to "The Little Prince"
This past week I watched the movie "The Little Prince" on Netflix. I guess its only available on Netflix. Whenever you watch movies you should always watch your emotions and then ask God why am I feeling this way?
While watching this movie, I was incredible angry at this little rose.
If you have not watched the movie I guess here is where I need to warn you of SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!
I don't know if it was the intention of the author but while I was watching "The Little Prince" I couldn't help but think of Jesus.
This rose is worst rose in the universe. She is incredibly vain and self centered. Yet despite all of that The Little Prince returns back to his home planet for her. I could not believe it. I could not have done the same.
And I have to admit that more times than I desire I am more like the rose than the Little Prince. Often I can become vain, self centered, and only think about my needs. (Like last night: for some reason I was in a hurry to return home and watch the fourth preseason football game on tv. Yet I was delayed by construction on Depot St). How dare they intrude on me watching the Steelers' 3rd and 4th string players perform against the Panthers! And then get bored of the game by halftime and start watching "The Good Burger."
Sorry, I was a little distracted. :)
But here is the Good News (That is what Gospel means right?)
Even when we are vain and self-centered we are still beautiful. We are adored by God beyond measure. Though we are not the only one in the universe God looks at each one of us like we are the only one. We are incredibly beautiful in his eyes yet we fail to see it so we act out. We say maybe I will find meaning if i do.... these three things. Lose 25 pounds, get a better job, make more money, etc. (by the way; nothing wrong with improving your life the error is finding meaning in things that can so easily go away, see my blog on New Years Resolutions).
Yet Jesus came. He knew you (we) were sinful. He knew how you (we) would be filled with vain thoughts and desires. And He died to demonstrate his love, his unconditional love, for us. Because He sees our beauty when we do not.
So my charge for you is to be like The Little Prince to love when no one else will. But its more than that. Because its so easy for us to make loving others about ourselves. (Look how awesome I am for loving them!)
My charge for you is reflect on your imperfections and realize how you are loved beyond reason by the God of this universe: By Jesus Himself. Because once you realize that you were loved, chosen, and adored by God when you were (and are) at your worst then and only then can you love like that The Little Prince.
Jul 15, 2016
Pokemon Go and make disicples
I figured I would jump on this pokemon bandwagon before we, as Western Culture, move on to other trends.
If you have been living under a rock for a week or two let me summarize the game for you. Basically, you can download this free app call "Pokemon Go" to catch pokemon! Crazy, eh! WE have come a long way from that big brick of the original game boy and pokemon red, blue, and yellow. (I think Japan had a green game as well)
It connects google maps with your camera and puts virtual pokemon on your screen that you must capture. The goal is one of the goals in the original games, "Got to catch them all."
Got it, good.
This game has been amazing and horrible at the same time. But is not that the truth with all things? God's good gifts, when not properly applied to our lives, become harmful. This is true because the devil, himself, cannot create anything. God is the creator but when we fall into sinful desires (when we want good things appropriately) they can be harmful to our well being.
An easy example would be with food or drink. God, our creator created food. He said, "It is good." Yet, for some it becomes habit forming. It can lead to harmful things such as gluttony, anorexia (and other eating disorders), starvation of those who do not have enough to eat.
Food is evil. It can cause diabetes. Right? Of course, it can. But one would be a fool to fall for this straw-man argument. The same can be said of "Pokemon Go." A lot of bad has resulted, one example I saw was a girl on her way home from hunting had to cross a major highway near Pittsburgh and was hit by a car.
But good has also resulted. Sales of business (small sample size) have increased as more people are on the streets. The one and probably only time I played the game I was able to talk to two groups of people that I wouldn't have if not for the game. People are getting more exercise. The humane society has used this to encouraged more people to adopt unwanted animals. And even churches have used it for their advantage as many churches are prime locations for Pokemon "trainers" to go.
Something that really struck me in the title is the "Go." Go where? Ash in the original Pokemon game was commissioned by Professor Oak to "Go." Go into all the world. Oak had a purpose for him. He was getting older and could never could do his original dream of catching all the Pokemon and defeating all the Gym Leaders.
So, Ash goes over to his mother, says, "goodbye", and leaves. Are you serious????!??? How old is he? What messed up world is he living in?, i think to myself. Clearly the creator of Pokemon is not writing from a "God-centered" perspective but "Jehovah Sneaky" has much for us to learn if we have ears to hear.
One of the last instructions Jesus leaves with his disciples is what we call, "The Great Commission." Have you heard of it? "I have been given all authority on heaven and earth. Therefore, GO, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given to you."- Matthew 28:18-20
Go. Where? Jesus said all the world, so if I'm serious about following him I need to pack my bags and go to Africa right?
Jesus, like Professor Oak, gives each one of us a commission, "Go into all the world and make disciples."
In some mysterious way, God has chosen to use us as a tool to draw people to himself. Don't get me wrong, no one comes to Jesus without the Father (God) drawing them (John 6:44).
Yet we are still told to "Go." Share your story. Build relationships. Tell people how God, despite your rebellion toward him, reached down and saved your butt. And just like farmers who sow seed on the ground they need a water for that word to grow.
That water is the Holy Spirit. We speak the truth of God and his love toward them and then the Holy Spirit does the craziest miracle possible, drawing sinful people to a Holy God.
Many people want to see a sick person well, or a lame man walk, or a dead man rise; but the greatest miracle is when one no longer lives for himself/herself and begins to live for God and live for others.
So, go, like Ash, into all the world.
Go, like Ash, unafraid of what today may bring. Go beyond your comfort zone. For it is only when we leave the realm of the comfort that we truly grow as people and are able to be used by God.
Make disciples. Start with yourself. Choose today to live not for yourself (ask for God's help, its the only way you can do it).
And as you become a true disciple. Im not taking about a Bible beating fundamentalist. Im talking about a person motivated by love to love for the sake of the One who loved you first.
Isn't it fun to talk about Pokemon when there is so much evil in the world? Remember to not be afraid. That's right? You have to remember.
It is easy in light of evil to think that "the end is nigh" and there "is no hope" but I believe God is still the king of this world. And as His image bearers we may fight hate not with more hate but with love. May we remind people of the promises of God, that "he will never leave us or forsake us."
The scariest thing in this world to me is not terrorist. If someone wants to kill me go for it. Give it a try. I know my God will protect me if it is not my time to go. The scariest thing in this world is those that profess Christ with their lips on Sunday and then support politicians that are "anti-christ" on Monday through Saturday. The scariest thing is hearing "Christians" support "carpet bombing" and trying to destroy evil with evil.
Disclaimer: I am far from a pacifist, and I do not claim to have all the answers to "defeat terrorism."
But I know God does and one day He will defeat all evil in the world. Including the evil we harbor in our hearts.
And I do want to make a difference in the world. I hope you do too. Your voice makes a difference. Your live makes a difference. True Christianity is not denying there is evil in the world but also not being afraid of it either. True Christianity means you and I get to "GO" and live the life of Christ.
When you go its like we are throwing "poke-balls" of hope into the world. Some people like pokemon are not "caught" on the first throw. They are too strong and confident in their own ways of living. But when their PP (its like energy) is lower and people are without hope because of the craziness of this world, throw that poke-ball of hope and see a life transformed by the Gospel.
If you have been living under a rock for a week or two let me summarize the game for you. Basically, you can download this free app call "Pokemon Go" to catch pokemon! Crazy, eh! WE have come a long way from that big brick of the original game boy and pokemon red, blue, and yellow. (I think Japan had a green game as well)
It connects google maps with your camera and puts virtual pokemon on your screen that you must capture. The goal is one of the goals in the original games, "Got to catch them all."
Got it, good.
This game has been amazing and horrible at the same time. But is not that the truth with all things? God's good gifts, when not properly applied to our lives, become harmful. This is true because the devil, himself, cannot create anything. God is the creator but when we fall into sinful desires (when we want good things appropriately) they can be harmful to our well being.
An easy example would be with food or drink. God, our creator created food. He said, "It is good." Yet, for some it becomes habit forming. It can lead to harmful things such as gluttony, anorexia (and other eating disorders), starvation of those who do not have enough to eat.
Food is evil. It can cause diabetes. Right? Of course, it can. But one would be a fool to fall for this straw-man argument. The same can be said of "Pokemon Go." A lot of bad has resulted, one example I saw was a girl on her way home from hunting had to cross a major highway near Pittsburgh and was hit by a car.
But good has also resulted. Sales of business (small sample size) have increased as more people are on the streets. The one and probably only time I played the game I was able to talk to two groups of people that I wouldn't have if not for the game. People are getting more exercise. The humane society has used this to encouraged more people to adopt unwanted animals. And even churches have used it for their advantage as many churches are prime locations for Pokemon "trainers" to go.
Something that really struck me in the title is the "Go." Go where? Ash in the original Pokemon game was commissioned by Professor Oak to "Go." Go into all the world. Oak had a purpose for him. He was getting older and could never could do his original dream of catching all the Pokemon and defeating all the Gym Leaders.
So, Ash goes over to his mother, says, "goodbye", and leaves. Are you serious????!??? How old is he? What messed up world is he living in?, i think to myself. Clearly the creator of Pokemon is not writing from a "God-centered" perspective but "Jehovah Sneaky" has much for us to learn if we have ears to hear.
One of the last instructions Jesus leaves with his disciples is what we call, "The Great Commission." Have you heard of it? "I have been given all authority on heaven and earth. Therefore, GO, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given to you."- Matthew 28:18-20
Go. Where? Jesus said all the world, so if I'm serious about following him I need to pack my bags and go to Africa right?
Jesus, like Professor Oak, gives each one of us a commission, "Go into all the world and make disciples."
In some mysterious way, God has chosen to use us as a tool to draw people to himself. Don't get me wrong, no one comes to Jesus without the Father (God) drawing them (John 6:44).
Yet we are still told to "Go." Share your story. Build relationships. Tell people how God, despite your rebellion toward him, reached down and saved your butt. And just like farmers who sow seed on the ground they need a water for that word to grow.
That water is the Holy Spirit. We speak the truth of God and his love toward them and then the Holy Spirit does the craziest miracle possible, drawing sinful people to a Holy God.
Many people want to see a sick person well, or a lame man walk, or a dead man rise; but the greatest miracle is when one no longer lives for himself/herself and begins to live for God and live for others.
So, go, like Ash, into all the world.
Go, like Ash, unafraid of what today may bring. Go beyond your comfort zone. For it is only when we leave the realm of the comfort that we truly grow as people and are able to be used by God.
Make disciples. Start with yourself. Choose today to live not for yourself (ask for God's help, its the only way you can do it).
And as you become a true disciple. Im not taking about a Bible beating fundamentalist. Im talking about a person motivated by love to love for the sake of the One who loved you first.
Isn't it fun to talk about Pokemon when there is so much evil in the world? Remember to not be afraid. That's right? You have to remember.
It is easy in light of evil to think that "the end is nigh" and there "is no hope" but I believe God is still the king of this world. And as His image bearers we may fight hate not with more hate but with love. May we remind people of the promises of God, that "he will never leave us or forsake us."
The scariest thing in this world to me is not terrorist. If someone wants to kill me go for it. Give it a try. I know my God will protect me if it is not my time to go. The scariest thing in this world is those that profess Christ with their lips on Sunday and then support politicians that are "anti-christ" on Monday through Saturday. The scariest thing is hearing "Christians" support "carpet bombing" and trying to destroy evil with evil.
Disclaimer: I am far from a pacifist, and I do not claim to have all the answers to "defeat terrorism."
But I know God does and one day He will defeat all evil in the world. Including the evil we harbor in our hearts.
And I do want to make a difference in the world. I hope you do too. Your voice makes a difference. Your live makes a difference. True Christianity is not denying there is evil in the world but also not being afraid of it either. True Christianity means you and I get to "GO" and live the life of Christ.
When you go its like we are throwing "poke-balls" of hope into the world. Some people like pokemon are not "caught" on the first throw. They are too strong and confident in their own ways of living. But when their PP (its like energy) is lower and people are without hope because of the craziness of this world, throw that poke-ball of hope and see a life transformed by the Gospel.
Jun 25, 2016
The Father of the Shepherd
Have you ever been "stuck" in a certain passage or chapter of the Scriptures? This week I have been stuck in St John's Gospel Chapter 10.
Whenever one open the Scriptures we must come humbly before God, asking Him, "what is it that you want us to see?"
I am not going to quote the entire chapter for you here, so if you are interested please stop right now and read John 10. Yes the whole thing! It will take you literally 5 minutes. Get off MySpace and check it out. ;)
There are a few constant themes through out this passage:
1) Jesus is the Good Shepherd and I (you/we) are the sheep.
2) He is good while there is a thief that is a jerk/punk/jagoff (not good).
The thief wants to only do bad (you know like steal, kill, and destroy)
Jesus came to bring us a rich and satisfying life (The point here isnt' a prosperity gospel but that our lives will be meaningful because they will make an eternal impact on our own live and in the lives of others).
3) Sheep follow the voice of their Shepherd.
That is a great three point sermon, right!
It is but I felt drawn to the words of Jesus recorded a little later in this passage.
After Jesus mentions that sheep listen to the voice of their Shepherd he brings in the BIG GUY, His Father.
I never noticed it till this week manly because I just started reading the NLT translation this year but here are some exciting and life alerting words of our Lord.
"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he IS MORE POWERFUL THAN ANYONE ELSE. no one can snatch them from the Father's hand."- John 10:28-29
There is this sense of eternal security. Which, if we can be honest, we long for. We long to know that even if this world and my idea of what the world should look like crumbles, that God is still Good and he is still in control over my eternal destiney.
You see, I have never been a sheep, but I can image they aren't too worry about the Shepherd leaving them if they "misbehave." But we think that right? We think that even though God saved me when I believed in Him that now it becomes about me earning his favor.
We wouldn't say that directly but we think it don't we?
Let's stop right here, if you are in Christ and He is in you. You are a new Creation! You are born again of God's spirit. Just like Jesus when he was baptized God has stamped his love and approval upon you. This is a gift, its called grace, God's unmerited favor. Before Jesus did anything to deserve favor from God, God His eternal father declared "This is my beloved Son in whom I love."
The Good Shepherd is awesome! He is Jesus. He is the gate. He is the doorway. He laid down his life so that we could have Real Life. Eternal Life. Not just in length but in how we live.
You are safe and secure in your Father's arms. No one. No one can steal away the Love the Father has for you. The Shepherd brought us to His father. God is more powerful than anyone else. He is more powerful than a man with a gun, he more powerful than the devil, he is more powerful than YOU and your ability to resist His Spirit.
God wants us to become more like Jesus but when you screw up, make a mistake, or whatever God can still use that to make you more like Jesus! Why, because He is more powerful than anyone else!
May you know that God loves you. Not just a little bit, he really really loves you. He loves you so much that sent His only Son to die in your place. May you know that the Shepherd wants to lead you. May you listen to Holy Spirit as he calls, and draws you into walking and following Jesus daily.
Whenever one open the Scriptures we must come humbly before God, asking Him, "what is it that you want us to see?"
I am not going to quote the entire chapter for you here, so if you are interested please stop right now and read John 10. Yes the whole thing! It will take you literally 5 minutes. Get off MySpace and check it out. ;)
There are a few constant themes through out this passage:
1) Jesus is the Good Shepherd and I (you/we) are the sheep.
2) He is good while there is a thief that is a jerk/punk/jagoff (not good).
The thief wants to only do bad (you know like steal, kill, and destroy)
Jesus came to bring us a rich and satisfying life (The point here isnt' a prosperity gospel but that our lives will be meaningful because they will make an eternal impact on our own live and in the lives of others).
3) Sheep follow the voice of their Shepherd.
That is a great three point sermon, right!
It is but I felt drawn to the words of Jesus recorded a little later in this passage.
After Jesus mentions that sheep listen to the voice of their Shepherd he brings in the BIG GUY, His Father.
I never noticed it till this week manly because I just started reading the NLT translation this year but here are some exciting and life alerting words of our Lord.
"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he IS MORE POWERFUL THAN ANYONE ELSE. no one can snatch them from the Father's hand."- John 10:28-29
There is this sense of eternal security. Which, if we can be honest, we long for. We long to know that even if this world and my idea of what the world should look like crumbles, that God is still Good and he is still in control over my eternal destiney.
You see, I have never been a sheep, but I can image they aren't too worry about the Shepherd leaving them if they "misbehave." But we think that right? We think that even though God saved me when I believed in Him that now it becomes about me earning his favor.
We wouldn't say that directly but we think it don't we?
Let's stop right here, if you are in Christ and He is in you. You are a new Creation! You are born again of God's spirit. Just like Jesus when he was baptized God has stamped his love and approval upon you. This is a gift, its called grace, God's unmerited favor. Before Jesus did anything to deserve favor from God, God His eternal father declared "This is my beloved Son in whom I love."
The Good Shepherd is awesome! He is Jesus. He is the gate. He is the doorway. He laid down his life so that we could have Real Life. Eternal Life. Not just in length but in how we live.
You are safe and secure in your Father's arms. No one. No one can steal away the Love the Father has for you. The Shepherd brought us to His father. God is more powerful than anyone else. He is more powerful than a man with a gun, he more powerful than the devil, he is more powerful than YOU and your ability to resist His Spirit.
God wants us to become more like Jesus but when you screw up, make a mistake, or whatever God can still use that to make you more like Jesus! Why, because He is more powerful than anyone else!
May you know that God loves you. Not just a little bit, he really really loves you. He loves you so much that sent His only Son to die in your place. May you know that the Shepherd wants to lead you. May you listen to Holy Spirit as he calls, and draws you into walking and following Jesus daily.
Apr 22, 2016
The joy Awaiting Him.
"We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne."- Hebrews 11:2
David was chosen by God. He was not perfect, as we see later when he commits adultery and murders a guy, but still a "man after God's own heart."
Once upon time David was minding his own business being faithful in the work of the Lord. Being a shepherd. Defending his sheep from attackers. Bears, and lions, and tigers, oh my! (sorry, I got distracted.....its Friday so bear with me).
It is in this situation that he receives noticed that the prophet Samuel has come to his house and was looking to anoint a new king (btw this is all happening when Saul is already king).
So what God is asking Samuel is kinda risky. You know anointing a new king when there is a king. He could be killed! Samuel looks at each of David's older brothers and does not see the king God wants.
"Do you have any others?"
Just the rut, just David, replies Jesse.
Bring him in. In that moment God has Samuel anoint David with oil, prophesying that he would be king of Israel! Oh cares if he doesn't look like king or on the outside doesn't look qualified. God knows what he is doing!
David filled with confidence in 1 Samuel 16 is able to boldy approach the injustice that is "Goliath" while delivering lunch to his brothers on the battle field.
Why is no one standing up to this bully? I WILL! Proclaimed David.
I heard a quote once that says, "only the people crazy enough to believe they can change the world will"
He did, he slayed that monster, that giant Goliath to the ground.
This brings me to the cross. The biggest injustice of them all. God was on the move and he was going to work in Jesus to do something amazing.
God has continued to speak to me on this passage (Hebrews 11:2 (see above) and reveal something "new." He has highlighted the fact that Christ was able to endure the cross because he knew Good Friday was not the end. He knew Resurrection Sunday was coming.
But maybe there is something more of this "JOY." What is the joy awaiting him? Was it being raised from the grave and getting to live and eat breakfast? Yes, but more!
The joy awaiting him was you, it was his elect. His people, his children. It wasn't a chore for Jesus to die for you it brought him much joy. In fact, this word "joy" can be personified to you! You are God's joy. He smiles when he looks at you. He is not disappoint, even if you are not walking with him. Yet the fact that we can identify as the "Joy of Christ" shall cause transformation in our everyday life.
You see David had the confidence to do what He was called to do because he knew his identity in Christ. He was the joy awaiting Christ. He was so filled with Holy Joy that he could not help himself. He HAD TO ACT.
The question of this blog, though informal as it may be, is do you know who you are? Do you know that God loves you?
or since that question has become so routine, "Do you know that you are God's joy?" That it brings him joy to look at you. Not after you do something great but because of who you are!
May you know that you are worth dying for
May you know that there is nothing you can do to make God mad at you or disappointed in you.
May you know that there is nothing you can do to make God mad at you or disappointed in you.
And May you know that you are more powerful in Christ than you can ever believe.
Mar 24, 2016
Denying Jesus
"Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you (Peter) will deny three times that you even knew me (Jesus)."- Luke 22:34
Peter was a reckless disciple but never would one think he would deny he knew Jesus. But a few hours later he would. Both Judas and Peter denied/betrayed Jesus yet it was Peter who was forgiven/redeemed while Judas was not.
This vantage point is hard for me. Judas after denying Jesus and seeing what was about to happen to him found some rope and a tree (we are not given the exact details) and hung himself. He committed suicide.
It was too much for him to handle. He regretted his decision. The money wasn't worth it. It never is. It was never meant to make him happy. But then again, that is the lie of sin: to promise you happiness before stealing away your joy and peace.
So the question I have for you on the eve of Good Friday (I believe its called Manundy Thursday), why was Peter forgiven but not Judas?
Because if you know the story (spoiler alert coming up!!!) you know that Jesus dies. He almost dies on the way to the cross. He is whipped and beaten and by his wounds we were healed! He needs help carrying his cross and ultimately God dies.
But death could not hold him down He descended to the grave/hell (depending on what your tradition teaches) and raises victorious on Resurrection Sunday (Also known as Easter). Which is why we eat chocolate for some reason.
After all this happens Jesus seeks out Peter. He seeks him out, like a hound dog, and finds him. He asks Peter three times if Peter loves Jesus. And all three times Peter declared "You know I love you."
There is a lot more to this story that i do not have time to uncover right now but this is amazing story of Peter being forgiven. I mean he literally did the worst thing you can think of "Deny Jesus" and Jesus said I will find Peter and rescue him from himself.
So what saved Peter? Of course we know it was his Faith. We are all saved by our faith in God. But the question of how he was saved b=my upset the average American Christian.
You see, when we talk about salvation, or coming to faith we like to have the focus on the individual. Because you know we are Americans with individual rights and freedoms and God would never ever ever violate my right to choose him, except for when he does.
Now, dont get me wrong there is a chose. There is us walking in agreement with what God wants for us. But the spotlight was never meant to be on us! It has always meant to be on God, and Him alone.
Why was Judas not saved? Was it because he did not have the opporunity? Was he not apart of God's elect? Did he do the unforgiveable sin?
I dont know. This is a tough one.
Because I see "Judas' all around me. I see them make stupid mistakes and they continue to walk in sin and some even take their own lives and some even become Terrorists. And I think to myself if only they knew the Goodness of God. If only they knew how much God loved them. That God could change their lives. Maybe if they knew things would be different.
But I know God is different and I hope you know he is different and maybe there is a reason why we know. So we can share with others how God has been so good to you that he has shown you mercy, and grace, and forgiveness. When You (and I) did not deserve/earn it.
You see this is a shift in how we see God. For way too long people would preach "fear sermons" They would describe how horrible hell was and how we need to get our act together so we don't go there. Because you know, all we are "are sinners in the hands of an angry God."
But God seeks us out. I dont know why everyone does not experience the Goodness of God. I know there are times in my life when I wonder what He is doing but I hold onto the fact that He is God and He is good.
For those three days, Depression and fear would have fallen on the disciples and especially Peter who when he last saw Jesus, he denied Him.
God sought out Peter and he seeks out each one of us. He brings us to that place of repentance of turning our lives over to him.
After studying this stuff for many years and reading many different "experts" who have it all figured out I confess that I do not understand how God does it.
But he does. He seeks and saves that which was lost. You and I. And I need this "Hound Dog" of a God to continue to run after me daily because without his constant grace and constant love and constant forgiveness I forget how much I am loved and valued by Him.
So this Resurrection Sunday (And Good Friday and well every day of the year) may you remember how God has forgiven you. If you have never understood that you needed forgiven maybe that is a conversation you need to have with God. God may be asking you the same thing he is asking Peter, "Do you love me?"
Or maybe you have walked with God for a while but have wondered off the path. This is a good time to be forgiven and realign your life with the God who made you, knows you, and loves you.
Thank you (and dont eat too much chocolate) because gluttony is a sin too! ;)
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