Do you know the Golden Rule? Of course you do! "Treat others, the way you want to be treated." Can I change the words of Jesus or will lightning strike me? In the 21 century, I believe, we need to "Tweet others the way you want to be tweeted." I'm calling this the "Twitter Golden Rule."
Sadly, I have a Facebook account. I mean, I love being on Social Media. There are some really cool ways to connect with family and friends that I wouldn't otherwise see on a daily basis. I love getting sports updates on Twitter and seeing the pictures of Instagram. But the downside, people post their opinion without thinking about the feelings of others. No, Im not saying we need to "cancel" or "edit" what we say or believe but I do believe if you are a follower of Jesus then you should literally follow Jesus.
You might say, "Jeff, on what authority do you have to tell me what to do!" I do not. Do what you please. And perhaps this is simply the pot calling the kettle black. Btw, I LOVE that phrase! But I do teach digital citizenship as apart of our tech curriculum at SLS. Its found on if you are interested but it talks about media balance, bullying, your digital footprint, and more.
Another thing we teach our children at SLS is virtues. So I was wondering if there was a way to apply our virtues and the opposites (deadly sins) to the world of social media. This is just a rough draft from the top of my head but I'd love your input!
Let's start with deadly sins. Do you know them?
1) Pride- Are you seeking affirmation from your social media account? Our identity should be rooted in the firm foundation that we belong to God not how many loves we get on Instagram.
2) Envy- Do we look at the lives of others and become jealous?
3) Greed- Do we covet what we do not have?
4) Gluttony- Do we spend SO MUCH time on social media that we do not spend time with our family/friends and spend time outside?
5) Sloth- Are we on social media as a zombie or are we actually engaging with other people in a positive manner?
6) Lust- Do we share pictures that are inappropriate and dishonoring to God?
7) Anger- Do we post emotionally without thinking about the feelings of others?
What about the positive side of social media. We can also show virtuous behavior online.
1) Faith- Are we using social media to encourage others by sharing what God is doing in our lives?
2) Hope- Are we conveying a positive message that gives hope to others.
3) Charity- Are we sharing our likes generously?
4) Fortitude- Are you demonstrating the strength to behave appropriately in adversity?
5) Justice- Do you treat others as you would wish to be treated.
6) Temperance- Do you spend all day online? Pray, live, love.
7) Prudence- Do you think before you post?
I don't know? Just a thought. Hope you enjoy my post at virtues and deadly sins of social media.
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