
Apr 19, 2019

Why did Jesus have to die (Good Friday 2019)

When I think about Good Friday I cant help but think about atonement theory. The word atonement means "a reparation for a wrong or injury." So what atonement theories try to do is answer the question: "What happened on the cross?" or a better way to say it would be "What did the cross accomplish?"

A common (at least in the West) atonement theory is Penal substitution. This view believes that God gave himself in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer the death, punishment and curse due to fallen humanity as the penalty for our sin. This all sounds good but what is it really teaching? 

(PS: I believe one can hold this view of atonement and have a healthy understanding of God.)

The problem with this view is it often pits God vs Jesus. This view believe that God is Holy. God is set apart. He cannot look upon sin. Maybe even is he mad because of sin. Sometimes people emphasis the "Wrath of God." In other words, God looks at humanity with a big disappointed. He shakes is head or maybe worst. He is pissed. He is mad. But we have Jesus right? He is the good guy who is referred to as the scapegoat. He is perfect so he is able to take on our sins AND appease the wrath of God.

What upsets me the most about this view is the character of God. Is God mad at Jesus? Is he or was he mad at me? The answer has to be NO! He is love. He created us out of love and to be loved by him. This view of atonement is incomplete.... So why did Jesus have to die?

A New Way of Thinking about the cross.

Okay. So this way is not really that new but us in the West it is. This atonement theory is called "Christus Victor" which is Latin for "Christ the Victor."

What I like most about this view is it NEVER pits Jesus vs God. The goal of the cross IS NOT to appease a wrathful God but for Jesus to win the war against sin, death, and Satan. God has never been mad at you or Jesus. In fact, God says these words to Jesus at his baptism, "This is my dearly loved son, who brings me great joy."

Is this in the Bible?

"He (God) cancelled the record of the chargers against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross."- Colossians 2:14-15

A Metaphor 

Imgaine God is a fisherman, Satan is the fish, and Jesus is the bait.

On Good Friday, Jesus willingly become the bait. He willingly died. Satan assumed he had won. But did not have the wisdom to understand what was going on. Jesus' death on the cross defeated death forever! He showed he had the power over death and the grave when he rose from the grave on Sunday.

The cross didn't change God's mind about us but it should change our mind about him. It reveals what God has always been like. He has always been a Good Shepherd that was willing to lie down his life for his sheep.

Then how should we live?

The Cross should bring us hope. The cross reminds us that Good Friday is never the end. Sunday is always a few days away. We are to endure and grow in the process when faced with difficulties.

The Cross should make us thankful. We should be people that are thankful to God for willing to lie down his life for us.

The Cross should make us forgiving people. As CS Lewis said: "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable in others because Christ has forgiven the inexcusable in you."

So back to the original question: Why did Jesus have to die?  The purpose of the cross was not to appease a wrathful God but for Jesus to win the war against sin, death, and Satan. 

I hope you received something good from this blog and that you are having a wonderful Easter Weekend! Blessings!


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