or maybe Faith= trust?
Hebrews 11:1 (in the NIV) says, "Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
I like this definition but I must wrestle with this word "Confidence"
When I was younger I knew a lot more than I know now. Or maybe I didn't know what I didn't know. Life happens and you realize you don't have all the answers. But at the same time we can understand that we don't need to have all the answers.
I don't like a Christianity that has all the answers. It's too weak. It's too problematic. It's too watered down.
What do you mean you don't believe in credo-baptism? "It is clearly the argument we receive in the Bible."
While others can argue from the other side.... "infant baptism is the way to go..."
So who's right?
Does it matter?
What does this have to do with faith?
I think we can have our faith wrapped up in the wrong things. We can have our faith wrapped up in how the world works (ie our belief system) and totally miss God.
I think the cool thing about Christianity is Jesus rocked the boat of the religious folk of the day.
They loved being "confident" in their belief system yet they did not know God.
We can do the same thing. We can be so confident this is how "God works" That we miss what he is trying to teach us.
Instead of faith being in our belief system (because if you have been wrong before how do you know you will not be wrong in the future?) we should have our faith in God revealed to us in Jesus.
I believe God is good. Now my understanding of God's goodness may be different than yours. (And that's okay!!!!) There is still room for both of us at the table! Hooray!
"You fathers--- if your children asks for a fish do you give them a snake? Or if they ask for an egg, do you give them a scorpion?"
Can you hear the sarcastic voice of Jesus?
He continues, "OF COURSE NOT!!!!!"
"So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him."\
God is good. He created you. He sent his son Jesus to die for you. And He sent His Holy Spirit to live in you.
So be confident. Not in yourself. Not in your belief system. Or whatever else. But in God.
He is the One we can confide. He is the Father that gives good gifts to us.
So, Anyhow I pray you will know you are loved by God and can have confidence in His love toward you.
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