
Mar 29, 2018

Drink in deep (Ephesians 5)

Life can be messy. Jesus knew this. His family did not have a great reputation. His mother conceived and gave birth to him out of wedlock. They didn’t believe she was a virgin and this child was from God. Jesus’ whole life would be marked by this lie “you’re a bastard.”

One day, prior to any known miracles, Jesus hears his cousin John the Baptist make a bold claim about him, “behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

Later, when Jesus was baptized, God affirmed his sonship, “this is my beloved son, in whom I love, and with whom I am well pleased.” 

Jesus, despite his reputation and unfortunate circumstances chose love. 

One instance was when he was  taking to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4). She was an outcast. She had a few husbands and the man she was with now was not her husband. She had a bad reputation (Taylor Swift reference!!!)

Yet Jesus, a Jewish man asked her for a drink. It was something normal but not at the same time. Through this conversation  she found hope and healing through the one that knew everything about her.

To draw her in Jesus said something breathtaking. “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give them will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”- John 4:13-14

Life can be messy. Life can be dry. But God offers us a drink of himself. Like a mother breastfeeding her child, God welcomes us in to drink from his love. 

Saint Paul takes this idea a step further. In chapter five of his letter to the Ephesians he talks about changing our behavior us followers of Jesus. 

Then he said,“Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.”- Ephesians 5:18

What I love about the resuurection is the promise that despite my circumstance, I know God is with me. I know that even when life feels like Good Friday or holy Saturday that Easter is right around the corner.

His spirit is with me. Whenever I chose to look to God I can drink in his spirit and be refreshed. Instead of being drunk on wine I can be drunk in the spirit. When someone gets drunk on alcohol they can’t control how they act.... but those that get drunk on the Holy Spirit are filled with love that will change the world.

May you take a moment today to drink in deep of the spirit today. May you remember that the father in heaven loves you. May you remember that Jesus died for you. And you are treasured!

Mar 27, 2018

A New Temple? (Ephesians 3)

On Friday Jesus died.

Betrayed. Tortured. Beat. Naked. Death.

After the painful death of the crucifixion something powerful happened.

1) Jesus declared, "It is finished"
2) The temple curtain was torn.

What happened?

The temple is where individuals would come to worship God. Inside the temple was the holy of hollies but there was a curtain around the holy place and only the high priest could enter. This is because this place was a holy place where the presence of God was believed to reside.

But when Jesus died the curtain tore in two.

A shift from Old Covenant to New Covenant.
A shift from law to grace.

A shift from sacrificial system to Jesus being the final Sacrifice.

Saint Paul reminds his readers have the importance of the cross and Jesus over coming death in this letter. He then reminds us we can come to God boldly and confidently.

"Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence."- Ephesians 3:12

 Something we take for granted 2000 years later is without the temple we now can have God whenever we want. Saint Paul elsewhere, to the Church in Corinth, reminds them and us, that "we are the new temple."

We can come to God because He resides in believers. If you believe in Him, in some mysterious way, He lives in you. God is working in me to make me more like Jesus. This transformation is daily but I know I can lean on Him for support no matter my circumstance. 

Do you believe in Jesus?

If you do, he lives within you.

He has set up his tent in your backyard. He is here to stay. He won't leave you because you make a dumb mistake. No. He is faithful and true.

I pray you can draw close to God and experience his goodness in your life today and always.

Mar 26, 2018

Who am I? (Ephesians 2)

This is day 2 of my Ephesians series. I will continue this series through Friday.

If I asked you "Who you are?" what would you say?

Some turn to their profession: I am a gym teacher.

Some turn to their relationships: I am a son, I am a husband, I am a father, etc

Am I defined by the good things I have done?
Am I defined by the bad things I have done?

All of these things above shape who I am but they do not define me.

I am much more than these things.

Who do we belong?

Saint Paul begins the second chapter of Ephesians with an illustration.

Sin- makes us dead.

This is not literally true (most of the time) right?

If I lie about something, will God punish me? No. We receive punishment for our sins by our own guilt.

But it does. When we sin we run from the best God has for us. We lie to ourselves about our idenity as children of God.

Did the Father in the parable of the prodigal son love his son left when he left home?

But when He returned great joy was had and He threw him a great party (See Luke 15 for the full story).

We look at sin as bad so the solution is morality (be good). But Sin doesn't just make us good it makes us dead.

The Gospel (good news) is God loved us and took our death for us. So the solution to death is Jesus overcoming death by allowing himself to die. Pretty wild, right!

So am I just a sinner?

No. Well, at least I am not.

When I joined the family of God (adoption- in chapter one) I don't believe I am outside the family. We don't kick our dog out of the house because he poops on the carpet. We clean it up. We tell him "no" and move on.

So Who Am I?

Saint Paul said,

"For he (God) raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus."- Ephesians 2:6

Who am I?

I am united to Christ. I am raised to live with him. I am alive in God.

What ramifications does this have for my life?

This changes how I live my life.

Because I am truly alive I can share God's goodness with others. When I am work I can show grace and love to kids that might not have love. When I am at church, I can treat others in love. When I am at home, I demonstrate the love of God to both my wife and son.

I am a child of God. Since my Father is God, I can know I am loved completely. And I have nothing to prove.

Mar 25, 2018

Chosen by God (Ephesians 1)

Good evening, I want to try something new leading up to Good Friday and Easter.

The plan is to read through a book in the Bible while blogging on one chapter per day. I will leave a brief reflection on what I believe God may be speaking through the passage. The Book I have chosen is St Paul's letter to the Ephesians.

Within each blog there will be a few verses highlighted but I will not have the entire chapter word for word on my blog.  I want to challenge you as my reader to open your Bible on this journey with me. If you own a cell phone (which I am going to assume is over 99% of my readers) you can download the Youversion Bible App. This is a great app because you can read a variety of Bible translations along with devotions.

In the opening chapter of this book, Paul makes a bold claim: "Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure."- Ephesians 1:4-5

These verses are revolutionary. These verses are bold. These verses are dangerous.

Before we did anything to earn it: God loved us.

We tend to praise people for excellent behavior. We do this to reinforce good behavior and eliminate bad behavior. But God didn't do this. He isn't waiting for us to become good to love us. He would be waiting a long time. The moment we think we have everything together is the moment everything falls apart.We are far from perfect. We know this. God knows this! Yet His love for us is not conditional on our love toward him.

Think about that for a moment! In Western Christianity we talk about things like "sinner's prayers" and "altar calls." We try to convince people they are a wretch (like they need convincing) so they need to "give their lives to God" so God can save them from the pit misery (dilly dilly) I mean hell.

God loved you before you could love him.

I love verses like these ones because it keeps me humble. I love to take credit for my salvation. I love to think I did something to earn it. But it's all God. It's 100% his love drawing me into relationship with Him.  

You are God's number one draft pick. You have not been chosen by the Browns! (Sorry Brandon Nutter if you are reading this!!!!!). God is much better than the Browns!

And Adopted into a family?

 The second verse I highlighted above said God decided to adopt us into his family. God demonstrated his love for us by becoming a man and dying on a cross. Yes, that's Good Friday. But did he have to?

I think sometimes we get this picture that God only loves me because he has to. You know because God has to love everyone.

But what does the verse say?

"This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure."

By God choosing you I do not mean "God is a captain picking teams for dodgeball in PE class and no one else is left" so he chooses you. He picked you because he wanted to pick you. It was not a pity date. He doesn't "feel bad for you." He really really wants you.

Do you believe God simply tolerates you?
Are you his pleasure?

Are you valuable?
Are you worth anything?

I had a friend, from college, "Kat Bull (she is married now but she will always be Kat Bull to me) who would remind me that "you're a pleasure."

Years later it became an "inside joke" (that I just shared with the world wide web.....).

But it's true. If someone is "putting up with you" they are not treating you in the way you are meant to be treated. You belong to a royal family. Your father is the King. His name is King Jesus.


It is important to remember three things when we look at scripture.

1) What does this verse tell me about God?
2) What does this verse tell me about me?
3) What does this verse tell me about other people?

1) God is good. God is love. Jesus is the perfect revelation of the Father demonstrating his love to the world. The Holy Spirit works in the world reuniting sons and daughters back to their daddy. God finds pleasure by being reunited with his children.

I mean... c'mon who doesn't love their kids? I love watching my son "talk" and laugh and play. He has almost 4 teeth now. And he likes to bite me with them right in my shoulder. He will be walking in the next month or two. When I come home- He opens his mouth in excitement. How cool is that?

If my son can love an imperfect father like me----- how much more can we love a perfect father we have in God?

2) I am loved. I am treasured. I am the pleasure of heaven. God did not just decide to tolerant me but wants me. I am worth dying for. You are worth dying for.

I know the imagery of a father to son/daughter relationship with some is hard. What if you had a bad parent? I get it. But in all the ways your mom or dad could not be there for you God is.

This verse reminds me that no matter how I feel on a particular day that I can remember I have a purpose: being a child of God.  

3) God loves them too! Even the person that is the most disgusting and horrible person in the world? He loves them too. Because He chose them, I need to choose to love them as well. I need to walk in peace (as far as it depends on me) with everyone I encounter.

Okay! You made it through day one! Hooray for you! Tomorrow (Monday) I will be posting on Ephesians 2. Make sure to read through Ephesians 1 and 2 by then!

Mar 24, 2018

America has a problem

March 24th 2018- America has a problem. 

In the fall of 2011 I took an introduction to English class at Geneva College. One of the topics we discussed was the idea of a false dichotomy. Wikipedia describes a false dichotomy as "a
situation in which two alternative points of views are presented as the only options, whereas others are available."

This is the trick of many politicians. The way they frame an argument causes one to choose a side. By the way, false dichotomies aren't always evil. Sometimes I use them with my PE classes. We can either A) run 10 laps or B) spend 5 minutes on the jump ropes. I like to give an illusion of choice. Or...... You could tell your toddler child they may eat A) an apple or B) a banana for their snack. These are not the type of dichotomies I am speaking.

This brings me to guns.

Please don't shoot me down (yes, what a great pun!) without first reading the whole blog.

Here is the false dichotomy-

#guncontrol or
#2nd Amendment

Today, across our nation, young and old held a relay called, "March for Life."

What caused these relays? Parkland shooting? Sandy Hook? Or maybe it was the countless other shootings we have had in our nation.

Those oppose to gun control, across our nation, also wanted to be heard. Their fear? People were going to take their guns.

Btw this is a true belief for some. Prior to the 2016 election, I had a 6th grade student from church tell me his parents would not vote for Hillary because "she was going to take their guns."

America..... we have a problem.

Gun control and 2nd Amendment rights are not mutually exclusive.

I know this is true because I personally believe in both! I believe you should be allowed to own a gun. You should take a safety course.

But maybe control looks like having people take a mental test by a licensed psychologist? Maybe it's restricting what type of guns, the general population can have?

America... we have a problem..

Child are dying and all we care about is guns!

Guns are cool. They are powerful. 

I am from rural PA, I know many people who responsibly use guns.... But some people should not be allowed to have guns....

 America... we have a problem....

So whats my solution?

Well, I do NOT think arming teachers is the right way to go. I believe this is foolish because I am a Christian. By Christian I mean I follow Jesus.

Jesus, you know the man-God that would rather let himself be killed then defend himself. Jesus, the man-God, who when Peter cut off a man's ear while defending Him took the time to heal his ear. Jesus, the man-God, who from the cross declared, "Father give them for they know not what they do."

Is that the Jesus you follow?

I am not asking America to follow my Jesus. I am not asking America to change who they are. But it is what I believe and it is what keeps me grounded.

I can't profess the name of Jesus on Sunday and then vote for violence on Tuesday.

America... we have a problem....

I don't think one prayer, one law, one protest is going to change all the damage we have done.
Innocent lives have been taken. We are self-centered. We are arrogant. We are foolish.

Our only hope is for us to follow the example of Christ.

With Easter comes a great opportunity for us to realign our hearts to the truth of the Gospel. The Gospel is Good News for all.

We like to force our own way. We like to push and shove our way to the top. But Jesus demonstrated a better example for us. Surrender. Humility. Putting others first.

On Psalm Sunday- He was worshiped
On Friday- The cross

Yet three days later He walked again.

Jesus looked at those who denied him and offered forgiveness.

America.... are we ready to repent?

Repent means to "change one's mind." Are we ready to change our mind about God?

Is God in Heaven waiting to kill us? Is He mad at you?

I believe God is mad. He is mad at the injustice of innocent lives being taken.

So we pray, and we pray, and we pray.... for God to do something...

And He empowers us! And He fills us with his Spirit. He fills those students of Parkland School with His Spirit. To Stand and to Rise and to say "NOT AGAIN!"

Pray--- then act. That's how pray works. Don't just pray- be an answer to prayer!

America. Are we awake?

Things will not change if we don't make a change.

But I believe we can make a change. I believe we can be united. I believe we were created by God to change the world (and our nation).

Please do not fall for another false-dichotomy. A) We can vote, B) We live it out now!

It needs to be both. We need to vote for politicians that are going to change these dangerous laws but we also need to start listening, forgiving, and loving one another.

America, are you inspired by our youth today?
America, are you in?

Mar 4, 2018

Stop Fighting, love is here!

In Luke's Gospel, chapter 15, Jesus tells three stories of lost things being found. 

First a Sheep, then a coin, then a son. 

The context?

"Tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus teach. This made the Pharisees and teachers of the religious law complain that he was associating with such sinful people- even eating with them! So Jesus told them this story...."

1) About a shepherd who had 100 sheep but lost one. He recklessly left the 99 to find the one. 

2) About a coin. A woman had 10 coins (worth about a day's wage each) yet lost 1 coin. She searched her whole house until she found it. 

3) And finally a Son. A rebellious younger son asked for his share of his inheritance. He leaves home. And begins to make a series of bad choices until he was poor, lonely, and feeding pigs. 

Then Jesus tells us (remember this is a story) He came to his senses and returned home. His plan was simple. 

He would work back the debt he had toward his father. He would beg and plead and hope his dad would let him work for him. 

These stories have always amazed me. 

Our view of God effects how we live our lives. If we view him as Father, as a loving parent, we will seek intimacy. Yet, if we see him as distant or worst (abusive) we will and should run. Is God offended at my sin? Does God simply tolerate me?

You see, human beings have an evolutionary trait called "Fight or Flight" existent. If your ancestors did not have this trait you would not be alive today. This trait made your ancestors aware of legitimate threats.  

It is a good trait! We know to fight against things that could kill us or worst case: Run for our lives!!!

But what would happen if we view someone as a threat that isn't a threat?

What if we believed God to be a threat? 

Without a relationship with God through Christ we are alienated from God. 

We Fight: 
"Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior."- Colossians 1:21

Was God my enemy? Yes. 
But was he ever mine? No. 

When I seek to find pleasure and worth outside of God. When I fight against what I was created for, I am making God to be my enemy. 

But when I love, forgive, serve, seek peace. Then I am making God my Friend. I was created for these things.

We Flight: 
"All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God's paths to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on him the sins of us all."- Isaiah 53:6

But not only do we fight God but we have run away from Him. Isaiah tells us that we are like sheep that have strayed away. 

Back to Luke 15 
Let's return to the story of the Prodigal Son. A story of Two Sons. If we read it too quickly we miss that not only is the younger son lost but so is the older. 

He was lost in his pride. "I have always been with my Father," he declared.

Jesus reminds us that there are two ways to be lost. 

Younger Son was considered lost because he did bad things but the older son was prideful for doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

In this story there are two sons. Jesus is telling this story to two groups of people. 

The Sinners and tax collectors represent the Younger Son while The Pharisees and teachers of the law represent The Older Son.

So when the Younger Son returned to the Father, what do you think happened? What would they have thought?

They would have thought the younger son would be lucky if the father would allow the son to work back his debt. The Father could have had his son killed. He could have his revenge. 

Is this how we see God?

Does he want revenge? Is He angry with you? Is that even possible?

This is not the Father revealed to us by Christ. The Father doesn't wait for the Son to return. He runs to his son. He greets him. He kisses him. He kills the fated calf for him. He has a party, "for this lost son of mine was dead but is now alive."

As they celebrate inside, the older brother refuses to forgive and celebrate the return of his brother. The Father leaves the party and PLEADS with his son to come inside. 

No. He will not. His pride does not allow it.

What a horrible older brother!

Jesus intentionally gives us a Pharisee as an older brother in his story to long for something (or Someone) better. 

A good older brother would have left the house to search for his brother. He would have left heaven to get his brother. He would have died for him. 

You see where I am going right?

 In Lent, we remember Jesus suffered, he was killed. So we might give up chocolate or give up eating meat on Friday. Okay. 

Do that if it draws you closer to God. 

But we cant miss what this season is truly about.... Jesus wanted to reveal the heart of the father so He left Heaven. Not to appease God. But to demonstrate love.Not because he had to but because he wanted to. 

We fight God.
We flight from God. 

We think we can do things better our own way. 

Yet even when we fight God, God is fighting for our hearts. He is wooing us. He is drawing our hearts to his.

And when we run. God runs to us. 

Do you know God loves you? Do you know how much he treasures you. 

So what's the catch? There has to be a catch. 

Donate money, right?
Say a prayer, right?
Do a crusade, right?


The only thing God wants from you is you. He wants you to stop running and stop fighting. Stop acting like his love isn't enough. 

Be a child. Be loved. Be known fully by the God of the universe.