
Nov 28, 2017

Can anything good come from Nazareth?

Now that Thanksgiving is over it is time for Christmas right?

STOP! We need to celebrate Advent first!

I was thinking about Mary today and comparing her to Eve from the book of Genesis so my blog is centered around those two

Wait, I'm prego?

 Can you imagined Mary's reaction when she is told by an angel that she is "highly favored." Excuse me! You have the word person. There is nothing significant about me. I am a 12 year old (we don't know her age but know she was likely 12-15 years old). I am girl. I am from a poor family. I am from the middle of nowhere town called: Nazareth.

Nazareth was such a small community that it was considered insignificant in the First Century. According to the Internet, which we know is ALWAYS 100% accurate, it was a town of 400 people. Seriously that's smaller than KERSEY!!!!

Mary would have not thought of herself as significant, at least in humanly terms.

Yet, an angel comes to her and announces the Good News! You have been chosen by God to give birth to the Messiah, the Savior! Yes, I know you are poor. Yes, I know you are a virgin. Doesn't matter! God is coming into the world and you are the one he wants to use!

Have you ever had a dream? A vision? A passion? Something God lead you to do that you felt was impossible without his help? Welcome to Christmas. This was impossible! Have you taken Biology or Sex ed? Not to weird you out but it is impossible to have a baby without both an egg and sperm. You see when a mommy loves a daddy VERY MUCH.....But God sometimes likes to do things the hard way.

Eve vs Mary 

 This story reminds us that there is hope and peace despite our circumstances. Many years earlier, Eve was tricked. She was deceived. A woman whose name means: "Giver of life" ironically brought death into the world through her (and her husbands disobedience). They believed God was holding back form them and believe the lie of Satan (depicting as a snake in Genesis 3).

But Mary had a different Fruit. The fruit of her womb is Jesus. Where the fruit of sin led to death, the fruit of belonging to Jesus brings life and purpose. Although Eve was entangled by the lies of the snake, Mary came and crushed it with her foot.

I love this picture of Eve and Mary (below)

This painting is called, "Mary comforts Eve." She looks at her mistake and her sin as any mother would look at their daughter. With eyes of love and forgiveness.

Jesus was coming and would forgive Eve for her disobedience. Jesus would forgive even those that put him on the cross.

I love comparing Eve to Mary because I think Mary was pregnant with more than just Jesus. She was pregnant with hope, peace, and freedom from sin and shame.

It was a long journey for Mary form the Manger to the Cross but she could always return to the promise she had been given by the angel Gabriel. "And he will reign over Israel forever, his Kingdom will never end!"


Christmas can be a weird time of year. We celebrate Jesus, we can get enticed by consumerism, we can be joyful but also missed loved ones.

Yet Advent, helps us to refocus. Four weeks to remind us why Jesus came. To bring us hope, to bring us peace, to bring us joy, and to bring us love.

Sometimes I feel like Eve. I feel like I can't do it. Or I've made too many mistakes. But then Jesus reminds me I can have forgiveness in him.

Other times I feel like Mary. Also unqualified to be used by God. "Excuse me, you probably should pick someone better for this job." And God reminds me that I am highly favored by Him.

And so are you! Highly favored by God.

So the question I have for you today is what are you pregnant with? Are you pregnant with hope and peace or are you worried, stressed, and tired?

I know more often than not I'm filled with the later but let us set our eyes on the example of Mary and be filled with the grace and power that comes from God.