
Aug 9, 2017

Do Whatever He Tells You (The faith of Mary)

I was reading the Bible this morning.... You should try it!

I ran into a  familiar story. This is the story where Jesus, his disciples, and his mom at a wedding in Cana.

Mary, the virgin, the Holy One at a Wedding.

Jesus, the perfect ONE, God, at a Wedding.


Having a good time.


When they ran out of wine (this must have been a wild party) Mary turns to her Son and asks him to solve the problem..... "They have NO MORE WINE!"

Jesus doesn't respond in the way you would think. He basically tells her "No." He said, "My time has not yet come."

Im not ready. Im not sure if I can do it.

Yet Mary knows her son better than anyone else in the world.

Mary turns to the servants at the wedding and tells them, "Do whatever he tells you."

What a profound message to impart into your son. "I believe you so much that I am going to tell these servants to do whatever you tell them to do."

And they do! Jesus then turns water into wine.

Its a miracle of epic proportion. No one is healed, no one is raised from the dead, yet HE saved the party! Go Jesus!!!!

Two quick takeaways from this story

1) Do we have the faith of Mary?

Do we have the faith to say to Jesus, "I will do whatever you tell me."

2) Are we willing to "champion" other people.

People need help discovering that they are capable of doing amazing things. Yes, even Jesus. We forget that He was and is 100% God but also 100% human.

Perhaps, he had insecurities if He could do the miracle? I mean Jesus was a baby who had to be potty-trained right? And learn to crawl, and walk on land before he could walk on water.

And when Baby Jesus pooped in his diaper was it a "Holy crap"? Alright that was a dad joke, please forgive me.

But He, like you and me, need to hear positive words of affirmation. Like "You are my son, you are my daughter, in you I am well pleased."

Mary saw in her Son the promise she received decades ago. "You shall name him Jesus for he will save his people from their sins."

To answer the question posed during the Christmas song, "Mary, did you know?" YES. She knew! And never forgot the promise.

And Who was better to champion Jesus than his mom?

Bottom Line

We need to trust in Jesus and do whatever he tells us to do.
We need to encourage others that they are capable of following Jesus.

Let's Pray

God, I don't always understand what you are doing in my life, but I declare today that "You are Good" and I chose to trust in your plan over my understanding. Jesus, thank you for responding to your mother and performing this miracle. Holy Spirit, I pray that you will fill my life and give me the ability to trust in you.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.