
Mar 31, 2017

The Offensvie Gospel

We live in a world that is more polarizing than ever. We have people that are incredibly offensive and set in their ways and on the far end we have those that are offended by almost anything.

And I do want to throw out a disclaimer, because I don't want to offend anyone. I can only see life from my vantage point. As much as I want to see life from another's point of view, I do not know fully what you are going through or what is causing you to respond in hurtful ways. I heard once that "hurt people hurt people."

Okay, now that I have my disclaimer.....let's talk. What is offense? Well, in sports it's our scoring!
I shoot, I score"- said evgeni malkin. A football player might pass a ball, a baseball player hit a ball, basketball player shoot a ball, or a wrestler shoots a double leg take down.

Being offensive is attacking someone. A quick google search says, offense is.."causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry."

The problem with most offensive people is they either don't realize they are hurting people or they don't care. Because they know the "Truth." 

But in same ways, the Gospel is incredibly offensive. It is offensive because it causes us to deeply challenge everything we have ever believed. Not only once, but it is so offensive that it causes us to examine our lives daily to this God that would become man and die for us.

The words, "For God so loved the world..." in 2017 is offensive. Shouldn't we just love those like us? When you look at sports, especially high school, its crazy the amount of hatred there are for other schools. I don't like you because you live 7 miles down the road.

Or Jesus' words from the Lord prayer: "forgive those who sin against us." 

No, no, no. I deserve to be mad. You don't know how badly they hurt me. 

So the point: Jesus wasn't afraid to offend people as long as it's motivated by Love. 

How about this story told by Jesus found in Matthew 20:1-16

This is the Parable of the Vineyard Workers.

In the story, a landowner is looking to hire people to work his vineyard for one day. He goes out looking at 6am for people to work the full day and promises them 1 day wage. He apparently does not find enough help because he goes out again at 9am, noon, 3pm, and once more at 5pm. 

The end of the day comes at 6pm. He calls those who were only working an hour and gives them a full day's wage. Of course seeing this, those that worked the full day, were so excited. If THEY got a full day's wage, how much more money will he give to us. 

Unfortunately for them, that's not what happened. One by one, they each relieved a full day's wage. Those that worked 12 hours looked at those who worked 1 hour with angry and greed. They turned to the land owner and said, "THIS ISN'T FAIR."

But the vineyard owner didn't break any promises. He didn't lie. He didn't deceive. He was well....generous. In fact that is what Jesus says directly, ""Don't I have the right to do what I want with my money? Or are you envious because I am so generous?"- Matthew 20:15

You see, God isn't offensive in the ways of man. 

He is offensive in his goodness. 

You see, God is so good. It's sometimes hard to believe. 

But we look at stories like this and think, "Well God isn't good because he isn't like me. He isn't a capitalist, making us work for our wage." (It certainly isn't communist or socialist. He is well better than any economic system we have).

He doesn't make us work for our salvation. He gives it freely. And that my friend is offensive to a world that wants you to work your way up a religious ladder. 

So what do we do when we feel offended?

1) Acknowledge your feelings are valid. You are really hurt. We do not stuff in it. Talk to someone. Then, when you are calm,talk to the person, and let them know you were hurt and let them know why. 

2) Don't let one little fight ruin your friendship with someone. If this fight is online or in person sometimes people have off days or we misunderstand what they are saying. Have some grace. 

3) Look inside your heart. Ask yourself, "Why was I offended?" 

This takes it a step further than our world wants to go. We either say, "I'm hurt, so they need to validate me" or "Feelings don't matter stuff stuff stuff."

Was this person being a jerk? Am I not getting enough sleep and that's why I was offended?

Or maybe there is a deeper issue?

Bill Vanderbush says, "God often offends our mind to reveal our heart."

When we are feeling offended, more times than not, something is going on in my heart. 

Ask God, "What do you want to teach me?"

I am sometimes, to be honest, offense is a good thing. It reminds us what matters. 

We should be offended when women are treated poorly. But then what do we do about it. I don't think its just enough to be offended and then hold it in. 

But other times we should ask ourselves, was it really that big a deal to be hurt by?

4) Look to Jesus. 

Okay, so probably not everyone reading here is a Christian. But Jesus, man He is awesome! Look to him. Sometimes he was offended. Look at the Scriptures, when was he offended? By injustice. May we too!

But did Jesus lose sleep over those that called him bad names? No. Im sure he just laughed in his spirit. 

The Gospel is offensive.
God is offensive. 

He is so much better than we deserve. In fact, he wanted to take on our sin so we could be forgiven.

Here's our charge for worship: May we be offensive in how we love one another.