
Jan 30, 2017

The need to belong (The 3 B's of Youth Ministry)

Youth Ministry is tough.

Not to say other fields are not but there is some unique challenges facing Youth today. If you work with Youth in any way (a teacher, a pastor, a coach, or even a parent) you understand.

Some days we see teens (and pre-teens) act wise beyond their years. We may think things like "wow, you are really growing up!" While other days they make you want to jump in your car and just start driving for miles and miles and miles.

Okay! Maybe its not that bad. But with kids, teens, and even adults (yes, you!) we take two steps forward and one step back. I think part of the problem is we assume growth is linear. We assume (which we should never do as my 8th grade math teacher would say "because it makes a you know what out of "U" and "ME.") that we mature after one teaching, or one experience. But that simply is not the case. Some experiences are life-changing while others need to be taught over and over and over again.

Its why I love sports. You learn how to do something in sports by doing what? Practice! Practice? (in my horrible Alan Iverson voice). Yes, practice.

As athletes practice the drill, the play, the move something incredible is happening. Its called: Muscle memory. I had a coach who once told me: "Practice does not make perfect, practice makes permanent. In other words, the more you practice something the more it becomes second nature to you. You can hit a sweet "high crotch single to a fade-away" on the wrestling mat without thinking. Why? Practice.

Okay, enough of sports. Back to ministry. Back to life. What do we all have in common?

The "thing" that we all have in common is the need to belong. But I think the problem is we make belonging hard to do. Especially in the church. If you believe this.... then you can join and become a member.

We model (many times) it like this: 1) Believe, 2) Behave, and then you may 3) Belong. 

Its the Roman style. And we eat it up in the WEST. But what if this isn't the best model. It's not the best model because it causes someone to completely change what they think in order to belong to something. I mean that doesn't sound good. That sounds like a cult to be honest with you. (DO NOT DRINK THE KOOL-ADE)

The Celtics change it up: They Say: 1) Belong, 2) Believe, and then you will start to 3) Behave.

They saw belonging as the foundation for changing one's beliefs and behaviors. It's a pretty cool model. But I think we can do even better!

 I want to keep the first two actions the same and change the third.

First we 1) Belong, then we 2) Believe, and finally we 3) Become. 

Become what?

Become who God has called us to be. Belief is a good thing in this context. Belonging is important when we understand we are apart of a community that loves us, that cares about us, and wants to see us grow.

If this is the case, then we can start to challenge our preconceived notions of the world around us. What does it mean to be a Christian in a world that loves to hate, in a world that loves to separate, in a world that loves to exclude?

As our beliefs are challenged (remember within a community) we are then able to become. We are able to know we are loved (belong) and we will not fear being excluded for challenging the status quo.

But It has to start with belonging.

I urge you brother and sister to seek belonging. Seek a place of refuge where you can grow. I desire to do this greater in my context with Youth in Ministry. Create a place of belonging, so they can believe the truth (that God loves them and has a plan for their life), and so they ultimately can become who God has made them to be.

Peace and Love as we journey together.