
Apr 22, 2016

The joy Awaiting Him.

"We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne."- Hebrews 11:2

David was chosen by God. He was not perfect, as we see later when he commits adultery and murders a guy, but still a "man after God's own heart." 

Once upon time David was minding his own business being faithful in the work of the Lord. Being a shepherd. Defending his sheep from attackers. Bears, and lions, and tigers, oh my! (sorry, I got distracted.....its Friday so bear with me). 

It is in this situation that he receives noticed that the prophet Samuel has come to his house and was looking to anoint a new king (btw this is all happening when Saul is already king). 

So what God is asking Samuel is kinda risky. You know anointing a new king when there is a king. He could be killed! Samuel looks at each of David's older brothers and does not see the king God wants. 
"Do you have any others?" 

Just the rut, just David, replies Jesse. 

Bring him in. In that moment God has Samuel anoint David with oil, prophesying that he would be king of Israel!  Oh cares if he doesn't look like king or on the outside doesn't look qualified. God knows what he is doing! 

David filled with confidence in 1 Samuel 16 is able to boldy approach the injustice that is "Goliath" while delivering lunch to his brothers on the battle field. 

Why is no one standing up to this bully? I WILL! Proclaimed David. 

I heard a quote once that says, "only the people crazy enough to believe they can change the world will"

He did, he slayed that monster, that giant Goliath to the ground. 

This brings me to the cross. The biggest injustice of them all. God was on the move and he was going to work in Jesus to do something amazing. 

God has continued to speak to me on this passage (Hebrews 11:2 (see above) and reveal something "new." He has highlighted the fact that Christ was able to endure the cross because he knew Good Friday was not the end. He knew Resurrection Sunday was coming.

But maybe there is something more of this "JOY." What is the joy awaiting him? Was it being raised from the grave and getting to live and eat breakfast? Yes, but more!

The joy awaiting him was you, it was his elect. His people, his children. It wasn't a chore for Jesus to die for you it brought him much joy. In fact, this word "joy" can be personified to you! You are God's joy. He smiles when he looks at you. He is not disappoint, even if you are not walking with him. Yet the fact that we can identify as the "Joy of Christ" shall cause transformation in our everyday life.

You see David had the confidence to do what He was called to do because he knew his identity in Christ. He was the joy awaiting Christ. He was so filled with Holy Joy that he could not help himself. He HAD TO ACT. 

The question of this blog, though informal as it may be, is do you know who you are? Do you know that God loves you?

or since that question has become so routine, "Do you know that you are God's joy?" That it brings him joy to look at you. Not after you do something great but because of who you are! 

May you know that you are worth dying for
May you know that there is nothing you can do to make God mad at you or disappointed in you. 
And May you know that you are more powerful in Christ than you can ever believe.