"Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you (Peter) will deny three times that you even knew me (Jesus)."- Luke 22:34
Peter was a reckless disciple but never would one think he would deny he knew Jesus. But a few hours later he would. Both Judas and Peter denied/betrayed Jesus yet it was Peter who was forgiven/redeemed while Judas was not.
This vantage point is hard for me. Judas after denying Jesus and seeing what was about to happen to him found some rope and a tree (we are not given the exact details) and hung himself. He committed suicide.
It was too much for him to handle. He regretted his decision. The money wasn't worth it. It never is. It was never meant to make him happy. But then again, that is the lie of sin: to promise you happiness before stealing away your joy and peace.
So the question I have for you on the eve of Good Friday (I believe its called Manundy Thursday), why was Peter forgiven but not Judas?
Because if you know the story (spoiler alert coming up!!!) you know that Jesus dies. He almost dies on the way to the cross. He is whipped and beaten and by his wounds we were healed! He needs help carrying his cross and ultimately God dies.
But death could not hold him down He descended to the grave/hell (depending on what your tradition teaches) and raises victorious on Resurrection Sunday (Also known as Easter). Which is why we eat chocolate for some reason.
After all this happens Jesus seeks out Peter. He seeks him out, like a hound dog, and finds him. He asks Peter three times if Peter loves Jesus. And all three times Peter declared "You know I love you."
There is a lot more to this story that i do not have time to uncover right now but this is amazing story of Peter being forgiven. I mean he literally did the worst thing you can think of "Deny Jesus" and Jesus said I will find Peter and rescue him from himself.
So what saved Peter? Of course we know it was his Faith. We are all saved by our faith in God. But the question of how he was saved b=my upset the average American Christian.
You see, when we talk about salvation, or coming to faith we like to have the focus on the individual. Because you know we are Americans with individual rights and freedoms and God would never ever ever violate my right to choose him, except for when he does.
Now, dont get me wrong there is a chose. There is us walking in agreement with what God wants for us. But the spotlight was never meant to be on us! It has always meant to be on God, and Him alone.
Why was Judas not saved? Was it because he did not have the opporunity? Was he not apart of God's elect? Did he do the unforgiveable sin?
I dont know. This is a tough one.
Because I see "Judas' all around me. I see them make stupid mistakes and they continue to walk in sin and some even take their own lives and some even become Terrorists. And I think to myself if only they knew the Goodness of God. If only they knew how much God loved them. That God could change their lives. Maybe if they knew things would be different.
But I know God is different and I hope you know he is different and maybe there is a reason why we know. So we can share with others how God has been so good to you that he has shown you mercy, and grace, and forgiveness. When You (and I) did not deserve/earn it.
You see this is a shift in how we see God. For way too long people would preach "fear sermons" They would describe how horrible hell was and how we need to get our act together so we don't go there. Because you know, all we are "are sinners in the hands of an angry God."
But God seeks us out. I dont know why everyone does not experience the Goodness of God. I know there are times in my life when I wonder what He is doing but I hold onto the fact that He is God and He is good.
For those three days, Depression and fear would have fallen on the disciples and especially Peter who when he last saw Jesus, he denied Him.
God sought out Peter and he seeks out each one of us. He brings us to that place of repentance of turning our lives over to him.
After studying this stuff for many years and reading many different "experts" who have it all figured out I confess that I do not understand how God does it.
But he does. He seeks and saves that which was lost. You and I. And I need this "Hound Dog" of a God to continue to run after me daily because without his constant grace and constant love and constant forgiveness I forget how much I am loved and valued by Him.
So this Resurrection Sunday (And Good Friday and well every day of the year) may you remember how God has forgiven you. If you have never understood that you needed forgiven maybe that is a conversation you need to have with God. God may be asking you the same thing he is asking Peter, "Do you love me?"
Or maybe you have walked with God for a while but have wondered off the path. This is a good time to be forgiven and realign your life with the God who made you, knows you, and loves you.
Thank you (and dont eat too much chocolate) because gluttony is a sin too! ;)